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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

sallyhailsMay 11, 2008

Hello lovely you\:D That's a really nice picture, now I can picture you in my head when I'm reading your entries in my GB, you do look a little Audrey Hepburnish with the scarf and sun gigs\:D

KarieMay 11, 2008

WOW!! What a pretty picture of you and Flat Bob! Is that a castle you are sitting on? I don't know why but I am facinated with castles. They just seem so neat to me. Maybe it's because we don't have anything like that here. About the best we have (which is VERY cool) are old indian cliff dwellings (In Arizona) and places like that that go back to like 1200 A.D. Got more pictures?? I wanna see!!

qvisnMay 11, 2008

Janes not a sim and she cant stand the sea shanty, I kind of missed it when freetime came, i neglected BV.Thanks for the congrats on downloads and awards night, you will never guess who was there, apart from the mayor of course, it was Winston off the cd stall in Eastenders market. We had such a laugh and he was put next to me in the group photo, when i get a copy i will put it in my blog and show off. You should see an opera, your like me and will enjoy a good cry, The singing tears at my heart.\:P

KarieMay 10, 2008

Oh my gosh! How exciting! I wanna see Flat Bob too! I am glad that you didn't need the fire extenguisher either! Sounds like a yummy dinner. My mom made a chicken pot pie for dinner last night. It was ready when I got here. It was pretty good, even though she snuck in a ton of veggies in it (BLECK! All the ones I hate!). I ate it though, and much to my surprise, I kinda liked it, although I told her I wouldn't admit it!\:P I even went back for seconds! I need to go now cuz she wants to go runnin' around and I need a shower. I have green fumes like the sims! \:eek\:

Gumby_GirlMay 10, 2008

Hey there, how was Ireland? You'll have to show us some pics \:\) Having your opal in a necklace is a great idea, it's nice to have a special one you can wear everyday. How have you and mini cinders been? Hopefully relaxing on your holiday \:P Have a great weekend and take care \:\) Louise

sallyhailsMay 10, 2008

No more excuses now, I'm not photogenic either and the picture I put up was awful, so get one up now or I'm gonna throw my teddy out the window\:D LOL. No seriously it dosen't matter how good the pic is, you must have found a good one to put up before so Jane etc could see what you looked like, post that one, let me know, I'll take a look then you can take it down again\;\) No pressure\:P Did you have a lovely time in Ireland? Hope the weather was good for you.\:D

hiedibear75May 9, 2008

I found another poll for ya. \:cool\: lirunchik

hiedibear75May 9, 2008

Oh by the way I found out that MinnieMinPin has a poll out as well. \:cool\:

hiedibear75May 9, 2008

Well G long time no type.\:mad\: (J\K) \:P Glad you're back. \:cool\: You'll have to fill us all in on how your trip went.\:\) Sim ya around.....Mummy.\;\) \:wub\:

twinkletoeMay 9, 2008

Don't you feel loved when you come back on here and everyone has missed you? \:wub\: Well you should\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnMay 9, 2008

Gossip? I reached my one hundred thousand downloads while you were gone\:rah\: Jane threw a party and it was going great until i started everyone singing a sea shanty, she went off with a headache then, i drove her to bed.\:P I went to see the opera, La,Traviata wed evening, i cried a lot and really enjoyde it. I am such an emotional softy. Foster carers annual night friday, off to get my ten year award.\:o \:P

KarieMay 9, 2008

I guess I should have said the MONTH of Aprils butt so no one thinks you are out there beating up on people named April! \:confused\:

KarieMay 9, 2008

Well, May was off to a fairly decent start, until yesterday. My Uncle died. I feel real bad about it, but at the same time, I am glad that he's not hurting anymore. He had lung cancer and when he was first diagnosed with it, they didn't want to operate to remove it because he was over 80 yrs old. A nice good long life, but still..I will miss him. BUT, May is not over yet and I am SURE that it will improve. Tomorrow I get my new cell phone I want, then I am going up to my moms house, then next week there is a Lady's Night Out with my church, so I am sure that things will go much better! Ireland...oh, I would love to go there. I think of all the country's to visit, that would probably be my first choice (maybe cuz I got a lot of Irish in me!) Then I would like to go to Holland (my great grandma was from there, not that I knew her, but still. Then England and of course Romania (Have to see Elena and her cousin!). How are you feeling? How's your widdle ity bity doing? Are we wishing for a girl or a boy? I am glad you had a good trip and glad that you are back. Oh, and thanks for kicking April's butt for me!\:D

cariadbachMay 9, 2008

\:\) Glad to see yo are back\:D Never been to Ireland even though its so close to us here in Wales. Its always nice to go and visit family. I bet everyone made a fuss of you.You will have a lot of catching up to do\:D See you later\:\)

twinkletoeMay 8, 2008

Yeah I've been a party animal as of late. I'll pm you my gossip that is juicy\:eek\: It's good to have you back. I'm always a worry wart anyway. I hope you have a few hours to catch up on everyones GB entrys\:D \:rah\: Cinders back\:rah\: Cinders back\:rah\: Cinders back\:rah\:

twinkletoeMay 8, 2008

Hello over there anyone home\:D

hiedibear75May 7, 2008

Just as soon as I've gotten rid of my cc issues I'll be getting the lead out so to speak getting Matt & Jenny going again. \:cool\: \:wub\: \:rah\:

twinkletoeMay 7, 2008

How is Cinders doing? And a little Cinders?\:wub\: Twinks

qvisnMay 6, 2008

Just notided you watched kitsparrows vids, i wish i could do it too.\:P \:wub\:

twinkletoeMay 4, 2008

In case you don't like prunes I've got a chocolate toblerone soda for you.\:D

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