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cinderellimouse's Guestbook

qvisnJul 30, 2008

Our next one is a boy again so you could have the name if you like, anyway who told you boys are for mummies, HUH! Alfie is a total daddies boy and my Grandaughter gets a bit upset because he always heads for dad when he falls down or wants a cuddle, i think she feels a bit neglected,if it was me i would keep him so happy when dads not there that he would choose mummy, on the other hand its good to have a break with the new baby coming, can you imagine having a bump and the other hanging off your leg all day.\:P

hiedibear75Jul 30, 2008

I don't know if he'll fly on his own.....but at least he can go fly on a plane now. \:D On the baby thing......they sure are....."frisky" aren't they? \:ph34r\: If they happen to get pregnant then I'll work it in.......but otherwise be looking for a spring wedding (both our time), and then a family shortly after.\;\) Thanks so much for leaving a comment and on participating on the poll (when it's more apparent what colors the readers want I'll write #18). \:cool\: The TWO of you take care.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 30, 2008

Heya.\:wub\: Well my chapter #17 is published AND there's a little surprise.\;\) Hope you like it.\:\) Take care.\:wub\:

shadow66Jul 29, 2008

I know what you mean, but 'Hours' is a breeze - I've got 3 hard drives (about 900GB), so I'm looking at DAYS!!! \:P \:D So this is your first venture into motherhood is it? I remember with mine, looking at all the cute clothes and nursery things, wanting to buy everything, but not daring to coz I didn't know if it was a boy or girl - thought I'd wait and have a surprise! \:P All good fun! \:D Relax, and Enjoy! \:D

samcactus101Jul 29, 2008

wassup cinderelli? its been a while\;\) So. saw in the gb that you got a baby girl\:wub\:\:rah\:, CONGRATS!! Hows you & she doing?

sallyhailsJul 29, 2008

I've been gb hopping and saw your news. CONGRATULATIONS\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: A little girl, how lovely\:wub\:

midland_04Jul 29, 2008

Cinderellimouse, Congrats on the baby girl \:D A week holiday huh? Sounds like a good time to get a repair crew out there to fix your hour load up time for that internet... I know if I was spending $34.99-45.99 a month, I wouldn't put up with that... They need to come out and have a look at it, make sure it is/isn't their end, if it isn't, then it sounds like you need to do some disk cleanup, defrag, and maybe an error check (XP on the error check) With a reboot. Might speed things up, get all the files together, and solve your hour pause. \:D Have a wonderful evening, and hope to hear from you soon. Midland_04 \:cool\:

KarieJul 29, 2008

YEAHHHHH!!! A sweet beautiful little girl!!! I love little girls..there are so many cute little girly things to buy for her!! I mean, don't get me wrong boys are very cute too...but a girl!! \:wub\: So, are we going to call her Flat Bobbie now? \:D I like Ruby better than Georgia (not that it matters what I think...she's your sweet pea!). Either way, beautiful name and a beautiful baby!! I never was able to do that stupid ball thing. I gave up, thinking you could never do it and that I fell for something..\:D You are the 2nd person that was able to do it that I know of, maybe third! I will catch you later! Oh, again...CONGRATULATIONS!!!\:wub\:

qvisnJul 28, 2008

\:rah\: A girl, thats 2 to 1 , Pete will be sorry, just kiddin Pete.\:P How wonderful as i love girls, she will always be yours even when she is married, boys tend to go away to the inlaws, best friends and all that. I love the name Ruby best and i want my first G.grandaughter to be called Lily, if i ever get one.LOL\:eek\: Im so glad she is healthy, thats all you could wish for. Did you know the saying...It takes a real man to produce a girl. Wee done Pete.\:rah\: \:wub\:

cariadbachJul 28, 2008

\:\) They are a bit pricey but nice as a treat. If you look after them well they will do for baby number two and three. Just read Twinks's note. Don't worry about C sections , I have had three of them under epidural, It was a breeze\:P Just take each day as it comes and enjoy every minute\:wub\:

LaurieRJul 28, 2008

The outside of her ears are deformed. At some point they will do some plastic surgery to make them appear more normal.\:D

Herzen & BlasenJul 28, 2008

Thanks for bookmarked me & I bookmarked you, too!!! \:rah\:

Herzen & BlasenJul 28, 2008

Thanks for the compliments & take care you & the little Cinderella \:wub\: \:\) \;\) Greetings from me, Maru & Hitman. \:P \;\) We will waiting your pictures. \:rah\:

hiedibear75Jul 28, 2008

Thank you for your comments on #15 & #16. \:wub\: I got 1\2 the shots I needed for #17 and within the next 48hrs (tomorrow is family fun night) I should have #17 uploaded.\:cool\: Well I'm off to get a good day's sleep.\:ph34r\: Take care.\:wub\:

shadow66Jul 28, 2008

Hi, and thanks for your message! \:D I see congratulations are in order \:P - Good Luck, I hope everything goes well for you and the bubs! \:D Regarding your game being really slow - have you tried defragmenting your hard drive? That can often help, especially if you've been deleting a lot of files here and there. It re-organises them so they can be accessed a lot quicker - and it usually frees up some disk space, so you'll have more room for downloads! \;\) \:P - just an idea! \:D Take care, and Enjoy! \:D

twinkletoeJul 28, 2008

I could see Jane told you about baby clothes stores. My favorites are Hanna Andersson and Gymboree\;\) Give them a google too\:D

twinkletoeJul 28, 2008

\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: I'm so excited for you and Pete. Congrats\:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Did you get that little outfit from your store that matches your outfit? I just remember you talking about it. Truth be told I was thinking it would be a girl\;\) You need a girl to dress up\;\) Both names are lovely\:wub\: Georgia is rooted to the earth and conjures up visions of southern belles (Scarlett O'Hara) with grand dresses and plantation homes for me. Ruby stands for red and visions of Ruby red slippers and determination a true little Dorothy. Chose wisely as I have found my kids names both really stand for what they are\;\) Have you thought about middle names? My daughters name Katharyn Louise stands for renowned in battle and strong willed and she most certainly stands for that lol she is very beautiful and sweet too. My son Michael Lloyd stands for who is like the lord and babbling brook (he is very kind and he talks and babbles all the time)lol As for the C- section I have had friends who had them, one of which is a Doctor herself. All of them have been fine and the recovery is not too bad in some cases my friends who have given birth have had a longer recovery. I'm sure it will all be ok\;\) You will be fine and so will your little girl \:wub\: Try not to worry about it\;\) Georgia/Ruby feels sad when you are\;\) I'm very happy for you and Pete. Pete will love having a little girl and he will feel very protective about her. You will love dressing and showing off your little girl and she will be lovely, a true little beauty. Are you looking at moving or staying where you are for now? I'm so happy for you guys what a little blessing you will have soon\:wub\: Twinks

Herzen & BlasenJul 28, 2008

I put the photo in my pictures\:D

cariadbachJul 28, 2008

Forgot to say there is a place called Nordic Kids that does a lot of colourful clothes for babies. Google it and have a look\:D

cariadbachJul 28, 2008

\:\) Just popping over to say hello to Ruby and you . Lovely news\:wub\: Don't worry I wont be leaving , too many nice people on here\:rah\:

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