Leaving TSR
Yes, it's true...well, partially...
I've been spending a lot of time over at Insimenator, and realize that it's not right to go there to chat/share pictures/download content, and then bounce back here to upload sets.
I won't forget that I got my start creating on TSR, but it's not the TSR that I remember, and I cannot honestly say that I appreciate contributing to a site that doesn't even give free days to creators anymore. If they feel this is best, then there's nothing I can do about it, but I've decided it's the end of the road here for me.
For anyone interested, I do have a sims 2 site of my own, Simphany.com. Clicking on the logo below will take you straight there:
Thanks to all who downloaded my creations here, thanks for all the comments (I haven't answered them all, but I will) and thanks to those who will stop by the site to download, or to say hello.
I'll still be here and there, downloading from my favorite creators, and commenting on/posting pictures, but that's about it.
Thanks again all, and goodbye.