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csudibaba's Blog

The Luxury Apartments is suddenly out

So I uploadedmy first Apartment creation, and there was no warning, they just published it, for which I am thankful, but it was a suprise. Normally there is an approval and a set publish date, but this time it was skipped. Strange. Anyway, I am just not happy again with the preview pictures, they are so blurred like this.

I guess I am just going back now to plyaing a little, and then the next project will definitely be the continuation of my painters series. Another Kandinsky, then a Klimt, and then I guess a Miro... (And so many others in the line.)

My real wish would be a hangable picture, but for some reason my Sims2 Body Shop keeps sending stupid messages, I just can't use it. It takes something like 20 minutes to start the program, and then it crashes, so I'm fed up. (Actually, sometimes the game crashes, too, sending a message "This Application crashed and will be terminated now" or something like that. All of a sudden, for nothing. I hate it that I have to save it every minute. Once I lost 5 tasks in an almost completed challenge (the garden one with Ivana Garten). And then the whole thing disappeared, together with all my custom sims in that neighborhood. Now, that is not fun.

I am really looking forward to Sims3 but I truly hope these technical problems will be sorted out by now and EA starts really focusing on quality issues, too.

The KiDzVeRzUm is approved

I was really quick with this lot. It was all in my head so I was clickin' so fast like a crazy servo! :D But I have to admit and also proudly present, that my own two kids had lots of really good inputs and especially enthusiasm and fantastic ideas to this project. E.g. the stream flowing out of the castle or the middle ages looking arches, the used patterns on the ground etc. Badi, my 8 years old son is a great critic and examined every step from boys point of view, and my 11 year old daughter, Panni was responsible for girl balance :DDD So, I can say, this lot is tried and tested by real kids, I hope your simmies will like it! Publish date is january 23. Ah, yes, and btw, when I wanted to take a preview shot, a white witch was just about to land there, that's why the shining sparkles. So she thought it was wirth a check! ;-)

preview of the lot

Evi inspired me

So I decided to make a Kidz Universe, but I will call it Kidzverzum.

Itt will be a great place for kids, all sorts of fun things to do there. Playground and activities. Currently I am collecting cool content so that I can make really good shots of it. The whole inspiration came from Evi's kids stuff. She seems to be totally dedicated and I like this kind of dedication. I like if people have plans for life or paths to live by, or aims, or such. I'm not saying I dislike people who don't stick to something exact. I am myself such an extrovert and busy with all kinds of parallel thoughts and interested in everything. It is just that I admire and appreciate such folks who can "concentrate".

Anyway, I am working on this now, and it fits well into my concept of creating lots that are themed lots or serve a particular purpose. (The library, the sports center and the prison so far :D).

And yes, I will get back to the painters series regarding walls, but my little daughter wants to be involved here, and we got stuck with Gustav Klimt. She is now learning to use CorelDraw and so I want to give her enough time to play around with it.

Search facility - really good in v7

Street by peach8111Let me say something really positive about the new site. Finally there is an option to search among the screenshots not just donwloadable items. There was one picture I wanted to save and I used to be mad at not having any other option than to scroll and scroll and scroll to find that particular shot. I just gave it up after clicking through 300 pages and not finding it. I tried several times, actually. Now with the new site I have found it in 10 seconds! Here it is, and I am still amazed how pretty it is. It is technically not too difficult, but the arrangement is just so... so... so... :))) One just have the desire to walk there! This was created by peach8111, here on TSR, who must be very talented.

Getting used to this new layout

I still find it really slow, and it is bothering me that I don't see the "new arrivals" at once on front page. I used to download a lot of the featured stuff, and now it is somehow distracted.

I also tested the screenshot uploader, it works fine now, after the first problems. I don't understand the "published" dropdown option, though. Would you like to publish it now yes/no would be more logical.

Testing the new features of TSR

I am just about to click all over here and test the new site. I have mixed feelings sofar. A lot of things are not straightforward, and I am angry somewhat about the fact that my photos were deleted or left on the old server or whatever happened to them. The whole thing also seems to be very very very slow, but I hope it's because perhaps thousands of TSR users are heavily bombarding the site at the moment and also exploring the place. Funny, it's like investigation a new EP :)))

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The Luxury Apartments is... The KiDzVeRzUm is approved Evi inspired me Search facility - really good in v7 Getting used to this new layout Testing the new features of TSR
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