An apology
I owe all of you an apology. Since the fall, I haven't been nearly as active as I'd like to be. For a number of reasons, my time to build and create has just vanished as of late, and I can't say I know when I'll be able to create on a consistent basis. The holidays are really eating at my schedule right now, so I hope I can be pardoned for my hiatus from now until the New Year. The rest of the time, I can't do anything about. Even after the New Year, I may not have as much free time as I'd like. It will opened up, hopefully to allow for some time.
In happier news, I'm actually going to buy a new PC, that I've so longed talked about. That is being put in motion after the New Year to get ready for TS3!!!! I'm very excited about this game, and I'll be dying to play it. That may be one reason for my hiatus, anxiety towards TS3. But, I know that I won't be able to stay away from building on TS3, so fear not that Daman is gone for good. If things don't open up before TS3, they certainly will after its released. (I'll MAKE things open up!!)
Happy holidays to all, and best wishes for the New Year!
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