Why Can't a PC Be More Like a Mac?
Well, it seems that I'm having computer problems again. Somehow, suddenly, mysteriously, regardless of the program, when I attempt to start I receive messages that one component or another is missing. Yes, I've scanned and rescanned. I've defragged, rebooted, reinstalled... I've done it all to no avail. A large part of my day was spent on the phone with tech support and no doubt tomorrow will be another.
I find myself singing the Lerner and Lowe song "Why Can't a Woman Be More Like a Man?" from My Fair Lady though, in my version it's "Why Can't a PC Be More Like a Mac?" All my life I've been a Mac girl until just recently. I just got tired being 6 months behind PC users to get the newest EP. When Sims 2 came out, I abandoned my trusty, reliable, dependable old friend for a flashy, debonair PC with a twinkle in his eye and a "come hither" smile. He has been nothing but trouble, so I guess this serves me right. It's what I get for my roving eye and unfaithful heart.
So let my sad story serve as a warning to others. It's not so bad being six months behind when everything is working. The old saying that mac users have used for years is true. "PC users do all the beta testing for Macs". By the time a mac user gets the program, most all of the bugs are worked out. Mac users may have to develop patience but they'll be happier in the long run.
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