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dannybond1990's Guestbook

Magical MetamorphosisJun 21, 2007

Hi Dannybond1990, Thanks for reading my story. So glad you are enjoying it!\:rah\: The next installment is on it's way...so please keep reading!\;\) Angela

WelshWitchJun 19, 2007

Hi Danny, thank you for leaving a comment on my screenshot, so glad you liked it too. Best Wishes WW x\:rah\:

tdyanndJun 17, 2007

Thanks for the comment on my story! Much appreciated! \:D

clcny20Jun 15, 2007

Wow! That's so cool that my camo tube tops were your first download for little girls. I hope you're enjoying them in your game, and I thank you for taking the time out to leave me a message on them, and for downloading. Have a fantastic weekend! \:\)

marizza82Jun 12, 2007

I'm very sorry to anounce that since I installed the H&M Fashion Stuff, my game's walls are now red. Too bad, that effects my shots too\:\( . I think that I will stop writting, exept if you liked the intro THAT much and you won't mind shots with red walls. I'm really sorry, Isabelle.

DirtdevillJun 12, 2007

Thank you for your kind & lovely words on my screenshot 'Fingers in my ears!" I'm verry happy you took the time for a vieuw and that you liked it!\:wub\:

BuckinghamAliceJun 9, 2007

Thanks for your sweet comment on my story! Glad you liked it. \:D

Foxychik925Jun 4, 2007

Their isnt gonna be another part in the Ranger story, but dont worry, I have a sneak peek for u! My new story is called The Wonderful Life of Christal Simmons. U'LL LOVE IT!

TellMeSomethingNewJun 4, 2007

Well, we start around the same age. First we have primary skool, which is juniors, age:5, seniors, age:6, first class, age:7, all de way up to 6th class, age:12. Then we leave primary nd go into secondary, which is 1st, 2nd, 3rd year, transition year(optional) 5th and 6th year, then college. Two years r v.important cuz we do major tests. In third yr, there is Junior Certificate. And in 6th yr we have Leaving Cert, which affects our jobs and college. Wat bout u??

TellMeSomethingNewJun 4, 2007

Woah, talk about time difference. Its around 1 in the morning here!! How does your skooling system work, cuz its like totally different to ours!!!\:D

TellMeSomethingNewJun 4, 2007

Kool name, im dannii! Wat u doing up so l8? I'm an insomniac, wats ur excuse???\:D

TellMeSomethingNewJun 4, 2007

Wow. *points below* Didnt dat turn out awesome. I nearly cried at the end. So wats your actual name???\:D

Simul8ingJun 3, 2007

Ottamas Odyssey Thank you for being interested in what eventually happened to the Ottamas. There was probably going to be six more parts to their story but I am not willing to deal with TSR’s bizarre behavior. I would rather play the game then constantly try editing my stories that I feel are perfectly acceptable for the TSR audience. So here is a quick recap. Sorry for the length. But there was a whole lot of drama going on. David (oldest son) and Emily Ottamas David and Emily are on the verge of splitting up because she won’t have another baby. They are fighting all of the time. David ends up having an affair with another woman and Emily finds out. David suddenly and tragically dies in a fire that is started at a family reunion when a relative tries to change the season from winter to summer. Fireballs were everywhere. Emily almost goes crazy with being a single mother but does endure. Then when her three girls are all teenagers Emily is suddenly struck by lightening. The three daughters end up living with their grandmother Samantha. Kim (oldest daughter) and Jacob Martin. Kim succeeds to the top of the business career track and stays madly in love with her husband (used to be her stepson). But Kim’s oldest daughter Maggie can not get over her mother’s betrayal of marrying her brother. When Maggie’s Father Andrew dies, she blames Kim and Jacob for his death (even though he died from old age). Just after entering college Maggie hires a hetman to kill off Kim and Jacob (the hit man was curtsey of DMAsims.com) Maggie goes crazy and is never seen from again. Kim and Jacobs son Marvin Martin also goes to live with Grandma Samantha. Tommy (youngest son) and Marion Ottamas Tommy routinely has depression and anxiety problems. After the untimely death of his older brother David Tommy begins drinking heavily (there were some great shots of his down hill spiral). He blames himself because he created the weather generator that caused his brothers death. Sadly his wife Marion could not take Tommy’s addiction and left him. Tommy eventually drinks himself into an early grave. His children end up living with grandma as well. Shasha (twin) and Robin Banks. As Shasha continues up the entertainment career Robin Banks becomes more and more aggressive with her. He is secretly living the life of a criminal and has an affair with one of her sister’s. When Shasha finds out about his secrets he becomes enraged and ultimately abuses her (I had no plans of showing picture to ensure PG 13 rating) the abuse becomes so violent that he ultimately kills Shasha. Shasha’s twin boys Robin Jr. and Rich end up with Samantha as well. Sharla (twin) and Dusty Rhodes Sharla wanted a huge family but Dusty begins to not be attracted to Sharla anymore. A lot of confusion follows until Dusty realizes he is attracted to men. When Sharla finds out about Dust’s romance with a man she commits suicide. Dusty is beside himself with grief and blames himself. He ultimately leaves town just like his own father did, leaving his twin boys to live with their grandma Samantha. Beth (youngest daughter) and River Rhodes. Beth and River were never suited for married life and continued to have numerous affairs. On the verge of divorce River suddenly dies in the same fire that kills David. Beth is a free agent and lives her life to the fullest. Eventually having an affair with her sister Shasha’s husband Robin. After a while Beth meets a handsome and extremely rich sim and decides to marry again. Things when well until her young adult daughter Sunny moves in with the family and has an affair with her stepfather. That affair leads to a Sunny and her stepfather having a child together. Beth packs her backs and lets her mom Samantha take care of her teenage son Rocky. Samantha and Peter (Mom and Dad) Sadly Peter passes away from old age. Samantha goes on with her life and helps out with all of her grandchildren. Eventually most of them ended up living with her. Samantha has a long life because she achieved three lifetime goals. She graduated three children from college, married of six kids, and had six grandchildren. The story was going to end with Samantha sounded by all of her grandchildren relating what readers could learn from the ultimate downfalls of her children’s life. Again thank you so much for reading my Ottamas Odysseys story. I wished I could have continued because I had some great screen shots. I will write stories again, just not ones that are so in-depth and time consuming (because of TSR). **Simul8ing

TellMeSomethingNewJun 3, 2007

That was so mean on simul8ing wasn't it!!! The poor thing. Wonder wat happened with those kooky TSR people? Oh god, I must sound so random.\:o Sorry.\:\(

Simul8ingJun 3, 2007

Thank you so much for reading my Ottamas Odyssey story. Unfortunatly there will be no more chapters. I'm having issures with TSR. For some reason they keep rejecting my next part. I've reviewed it over and over and feel it is very much PG 13. No nudity, violence, or bad language. Plus they have suddenly unpublished Part 4 and 5. So obviously they do not appreciate my storytelling. Anyway if you were extremely interested in how my family turned out let me know in my guestbook. I will give you a recap. Thanks for enjoying.

marizza82Jun 3, 2007

Hey, thank you for your nice comment in my Goths intro\:D I really appreciate it and I'm glad that you like it\:wub\: Isabelle

Foxychik925Jun 2, 2007

thanx for the comment on my ranger family! It means so much to me. ive never been a good sims2 writer before and i'll call you when the second part comes

scarlet_whiteJun 1, 2007

Thanks for reading I used to have a mother part 2, part 3 should be posted in a few days, I'm still working on that one.

Icequeen21740May 31, 2007

Thanks for reading Pleasantview Acres and for your nice comments...I have more chapters coming, just have to get all the new lots and characters set up. \:wub\:

cariadbachMay 28, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking the time to read Perfect Gift and for your kind comments, glad you enjoyed.

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