Do you know a TSR artist that converts Sims 2 to 3 Hairstyles/Clothing?
ok, still waiting for responses, for like, hairstyles and stuff, i am really upaet, that no-one has replied to my requests..... it makes me really upset, atually. so if any of you's know who converts them, let me know, coz i am waiting for replies, now i am going around, asking all the fabolous creators, to do so! kk, and BTW can YOU convert that child curly hairstyle, it is in the TSR hairstyles catagory, BTW, to adult? PLEASE! if we could have a custom content TSR workshop...... PLEASE , OH, PLEASE help me out! can you, yes YOU go around asking people for them!? if you copy my PREVIOUS blog, then you will understand me..... so, PLEASE! leave a comment, and go ask people! xxx Demi xxx