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dltn43's Guestbook

Peachybitz1Feb 22, 2010

hey!! \:wub\:  \:wub\:  \:wub\: I've been working on it for about 3 days...well both of them, the one I'm working on now for a day..I'm trying to figure out how to export it \:D \;\) I'll get there eventually \:\) Plaice are flat fish with their eyes on their heads!! But no eyes on these, just fillets and it was delicious \;\) How are you doing? \:\) What have you been up to? \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Feb 22, 2010

\:wub\: your avatar \:wub\:

Peachybitz1Feb 21, 2010

Hey \:wub\: \:wub\: \:\) \:\)

UM CreationsFeb 20, 2010

Hi dear! Thank you so much for the beautiful comment in my GB! Really made my day! \:\) Have a gorgeous weekend! \:wub\: UM

IllandryaFeb 15, 2010

Hi Diana! It seems the aquarium works with pretty much anything, as long as you have enough room. You can only have a maximum of six fish at any one time. I know that peachy has bred crocs in hers and I am currently spawning koi. Maybe try putting a handful of frogs in on their own without any other fish?

IreneGouretFeb 15, 2010

Hi Diana! Thank you very much for your wonderful comment on my screenshot\:\) It's really fetured\:D  What a surprise for me!)))

mensureFeb 15, 2010

Hi Diana, \:wub\: Thank you very much for your wonderful comments on my works. I am happy to read. Happy simming to you!\:wub\: \:wub\:

TugmeLFeb 14, 2010

Hi Diana, Thank you very much, you 're very nice to me a shout, I am very happy .. \:wub\: I wish you success, because you make very beautiful designs .. ((HUGS))

Peachybitz1Feb 14, 2010

Hi Diana \:wub\:, I'll try to reply to your HUGE post in my GB \:D \:wub\:....It must be a real pain having to watch what you eat! My Dad is a type 2 Diabetic, and he makes me laugh..his idea of being healthier is not going to the pub as much and drinking shorts instead of beer \:D..but it isn't fun when you have to check your pee and stuff!! My brother is 12 years older than me, I guess it's been a yearish since he was diagnosed, and he seems really cheerful about it...I don't mean happy that he has it, rather that he jokes about it and makes light of it, which ok, is not a good thing but the way my family deal with bad things...we're all a bit weird (the way we were brought up \;\)), and make laugh about each other...my flat got flooded about six years ago and I lost pretty much everything I owned and when I spoke to my sister she laughed, none of us get offended with each other because there's no point \:D..and she made me laugh too and it all didn't seem that bad!! I always try to remember that there are lots of people out there in worse situations than me, so really myself and my family have nothing to complain about \:\). You've got to keep smiling, that's the key \:\). I see you have some snow too now ;, ours has pretty much stopped where I live, raining instead, so back to normal \;\). Hair cut..well it was about two inches past my shoulders, it was a lot longer last time i had it cut, and I had the same as then, about an inch abover my shoulders, cut dead straight all the way around, so it's a bob \:D...I like to keep it simple because I don't do a thing with it, I never blow dry it, I don't use any styling products and when i get up in the morning i just brush it \:D If it happens to be doing something freaky, then the way i see it, it will give everyone something to talk about at work \:D at the moment it has a habit of curling under one side and curling out on the other, but hey, who cares \:D..it makes my bf laugh \:D You can place all the WA lots i made in riverview or sunset valley, i've got my sim currently living in SV in the french farmhouse with a male gardener and male cook to look after the house and do chores while she is off adventuring \;\) \;\) And believe you me, my family are not sweet \:D \:D had to laugh at that \:D Hope you're still doing ok with the job hunting, something will come along, you just have to be patient and take one day at a time and smile (i'm really getting into the smiling thing aren't I \;\)). Let me know how you are doing \:\)..have a great week Diana \:wub\:

spitzmagicFeb 14, 2010

Happy Valentine ’ s Day

Peachybitz1Feb 14, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\:sorry I haven't been around much, will write a bigger post to you soon...bad me \:\( \:wub\: \:wub\:

marcorseFeb 14, 2010

 \:o   Is my face red or what?  oh well, goes  okay  with today's theme I guess!   I am so sorry to have subjected you to that waffle about the mailboxes et al  - you must  have wondered what sort of nut was this!   Well, macadamias are the only nuts native to Australia . . . so that's me I guess . . .\:rolleyes: I  hope you will accept this  apology without delay as I'm too old to stay here on my knees for too long!  I had been reading a few GB posts that evening in the course of responding to some in my own box and apparently got my wires well and truly crossed.    Just in case you are curious. . . I got the heads up when I went to reply to  a message received from Martoele a few minutes ago. . . . .  it's a small world isn't it, even in cyberspace!  Again, humble apologies - I will be much more careful in future.

DOTFeb 14, 2010

Happy ~ ♥ ~ Day!

spitzmagicFeb 13, 2010

Diana, hey girlfriend, I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit. Your are most welcome too. Wouldn't you like to know that Lynn is my daughter's middle name LOL how about that hahaha. Our snow is melting now. The sun has came out and in a couple of days it will all be gone. How do you do paintings. I read the file on workshop but to me it doesn't make any sence. I tried to install it and it said my system has not been modified. I don't have a clue what that means. There are also like 4 files for the TSRW I dont know which one I'm suppose to d/l. I'm easly confused when it comes to stuff like that. Have a wonderful weekend Diana and (((BIG HUGS))) for you \:wub\:

FreyanSamFeb 13, 2010

Hi Diane \:wub\: thanks for looking in my blog on my Reflet screen. \:wub\: I wish you a lovely Valentine's day on Sunday!

SimonettaCFeb 13, 2010

Hi, Hope you are well, just popping by to say hello. Hugs.  xxxxxxxxxxxx

SimonettaCFeb 13, 2010

Hi, Hope you are well, just popping by to say hello. Hugs.  xxxxxxxxxxxx

shaml_sim Feb 13, 2010

Hi Diana! I'm glad you found my 'invisibility cloak' comment funny, hehe \:D When I saw that picture, that's what I thought of straight away. And thank you for commenting (and your congrats) on my Mr Snugglesworth screenie, too \:wub\: Nadia is very attached to her little bear! I hope your weekend is going well...

martoeleFeb 13, 2010

Now what is your name: Diana or Melanie... I saw somebody wrote Melanie. If that's your name, then you've the same name as my daughter. Well, let's come to the point. I thank you very much for the large message of thank you that you sent me to thank me for my 'thank yous'. Hahahahahaha \:D  R0FL

martoeleFeb 11, 2010

Hi Diana! It's me again. Thank you for the 4 comments your made on 'His Father's Son'. For storywriters it's the most beautiful thing when you can read the feedbacks. It's very much appreciated. \:wub\:  I'm sure that I will write more stories about the same families. Since I wrote my first story on TSR, I always come back with them. \:D  

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