drib_ydal (1500809)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (255 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Villa Alikona
Published Jul 21, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (38 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations
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About Me
I've come across this site, years ago, whilst checking out what my 10 year old was up to on his pc. Least would I have imagined I'd get so hooked to the game and the loads of downloads I found here
I've spent plenty of time creating houses and have just started sending some in. I hope you'll like what I've done and hope you can have as much pleasure as I have with them.
A huge thank you to all the wonderful artists for their creations. Well done !
I can also be found on Facebook as Ruth Marie [ which in fact is my real name ;o) ] and
Images of my creations may be viewed here:- http://s1044.photobucket.com/home/drib_ydal
My Latest Updates Show All
Thank you everyoneWritten Aug 22, 2013
I'm not too good with words so please bare up with me little. I would like to thank TSR for hosting my creations as a Submitter as well as a Select Artist here for the last 3 years. I would also thank the amount of people who have actually downloaded my creations, gave feedback and encouraged me to carry on creating during a dark period of my life. Believe me, I would not have... ...More
Sincere thanks and apologiesWritten Feb 11, 2013
Time flies and I've been busy with RL over these past months that I just couldn't find the time to thank you all for your wonderful comments and season greetings. I've had a very busy holdiay season at home which just kept me away from this fun side of life. I do intend to get back but have no idea when. In the meantime I hope you will still enjoy my lots and occassional object and... ...More
Wooden Dining Set 16 NovWritten Nov 18, 2012
I am overwhelmed at the success this dining set has achieved so far and the comments which have been posted are so encouraging and appreciated :) Here's a huge warm thank you to all downloaders. You've got no idea how happy you've all made me feel :wub: ...More
My Guestbook Show All
franciswardFeb 17, 2018
Thank you very much for your response. I have downloaded that before and it did not work properly..... will try again
franciswardNov 19, 2017
Hello.... how do you get your floors so shiney
PortanierSep 05, 2013
Well done on all the things you have created!! This stuff is amazing and i hear alot of people using them!!! Get back on track and become a F.A.!!! :-D :-D well done once again and keep up the great amazing stuff!!!