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emmy27's Guestbook

lexiann123Aug 19, 2007

I'm happy that you loved my story "Why Do You Judge Me"\:D Your support means sooooooooooo much to me and it keeps pushing me to write more so thank you so much!!!\:D \:wub\: I'm so happy that Phiona and Noah are finally friends too!\;\)

Deanna73070Aug 16, 2007

Thanks, emmy, for stopping by and commenting on my Berries and Burlap walls. I'm so glad that you liked them!\:\)

WelshWitchAug 15, 2007

Hi Emmy, Just flying by to say thank you for taking the time to comment on my Medieval Gold Walls, I'm so pleased you like them WW x\:rah\: \:cool\: \:D

lemonloveshaneAug 15, 2007

thankyou for leaving such lovely note in my guestbook! it's really flattering. thank you! ~ Faranak

loopywelshsimmerAug 12, 2007

Thank you for taking teh time to comment on my story \:wub\:. I really appreciate it \:rah\:

nenna222Aug 10, 2007

Thank you for reading and commenting my story Drama In Pleasantview Part 1!! \:rah\: You may be intrested to know that parts 2 and 3 are now up and there is more to come very soon! Thank you again!

SasetkaAug 8, 2007

Hi\:\)Thank you very much for the great compliments in my guestbook. You are so nice. It's really nice for me to know that you like my creations. Thank you again and have a nice day\:D

SpriingAug 8, 2007

thank you for commenting my pic !\:wub\: I did use a cheat called boolProp to get them \:P i write in boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true when i´m at the block then i go to *make a family and when i´m there i press shift+N and you get more clothes !

frillyfillyAug 7, 2007

Hi Emmy! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a lovely comment in my guestbook......I really appreciate it!\:P Luv'n'hugs FrillyFilly\:wub\: \:wub\:

K@Jul 27, 2007

Thank you sooo much for the lovely comment on my Roberto Cavalli Fall collection! \:wub\: I'm very happy that you love it! Wellcome back soon, I'm working on two new collections! \:rah\:

newbie.t.Jul 27, 2007

Hi emmy, thank you for reading and commenting on my story. Me happy --> \:\) All the costumes are by the fine creators here at TSR, although some you have to pay for -->\:\( Thanks again for reading, hope you like the next part \:D

K@Jul 11, 2007

Dear Emmy, thanks for your lovely comment on my Walter Rodrigues collection! Happy simming \:wub\:

KayleenaGJun 25, 2007

Thanks for commenting on my story. I'm glad you liked it. \:D Keep a look out for part 6! I haven't been able to work on it though, because my computer doesn't like me at the moment.\:P But it will be out soon! \:\)

Magical MetamorphosisJun 25, 2007

Hi Emmy27, Glad you are enjoying the various instalments of my story. \:\) \:D \:\) Yes, I agree the costumes are wonderful!\;\) Can't take credit for creating them, but, I am glad to share the links with you so you can enjoy them in your sims games too!\:cool\: www.rosesims2.net - for the lavender dress worn by Lucinda, Neptune Suzy (TSR) created the red & gold dress worn by Bailene, www.modthe sims2.com/creator/zoej - the medieval tunic outfit worn by Rafrae. Keep on simming! \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: Angela

confideJun 24, 2007

You're very welcome emmy27 and thanks for signing my guest book! Have a great weekend \:\)

Magical MetamorphosisJun 19, 2007

Hi Emmy27, Thank you, for your lovely comments on my story - The Legend of Whispering Willow Woods. There are two different residential lots used in this story, I created both and have uploaded the lot files to TSR: The Wizard Lair( published last weekend) & Tudor Cottage - Style 1 to be published here at TSR on June 19, 2007. \:cool\: Angela

sophel21Jun 11, 2007

\:wub\: Thanks for your wondeful comment! It is really appreciated! Cheers, Sophia \:\)

confideJun 7, 2007

Thank you for your wonderful comment Emily! It's a really nice add on, it has lots of new meshes \:\) Have a great day \:\)

S.CainsJun 6, 2007

Hi just so you know I am unable to continue writing my version of Wuthering Heights as new site rules suggest that it contains themes inappropriate for PG13 audiences. i appreciate the support and hope you look out for more stories from me in the future. \:D

queenie28Jun 6, 2007

Hi Emmy! I sent you a pm about installing meshes\;\) I'm glad you like my hair colors. Let me know if I can help you some more. queenie\:\)

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