f00tball's Blog
Hello, i would like to say thanks to anyone who has downloaded my creations.
I have Nearly Reached 5000, so thank you so much!
Please keep downloading. And Please Keep Leaving Thanks.
Blake (:
New Stuff
Hey, i am making some new creations for ts3 including...
My First Paintings
New shirts
And Any Requests Please Send Me A Message. Thanks Blake (:
Hello Again, i was asked on my old account to make a tutorial on how i make clothes. I have made one and i am uploading it to this account. So please look at it and hope it helps. On my old account the maximum number of downloads i got on one item was 12000downloads. so lets see if we can beat that. so please download. and if one of my items on this account reaches over that i will upload something special.
Thanks, Blake :)
New Band Shirts
Hello thanks for downloading and keep leaving thanks. Lets not pretend i know the arsenal shirt isn't my best work, and i will be making a new one some time. If you find anything wrong with the Manchester United Shirt Please Say And I'l Tey To Make It Better. Atm i'm uploading A Real Madrid Shirt .
But I have Created A Greenday Shirt And Fall Out Boy Shirt. And They Should Be on TSr In 2 Days.
Please Keep Downloading And Please Leave Thanks And Tell Me What You Think.
thank, Blake :)