gissence (2097798)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (79 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Dec 21, 2010
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Ott House
Published Aug 13, 2010
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About Me
When we bought our daughter The Sims 2 I started building houses for her. She has since lost interest, but me....well here I am. In my dreams I visit many intoxicating works of architecture and this game lets me spend more than a few waking hours vaguely converting those dreams into pixels.
My Latest Updates Show All
Fan PageWritten Dec 28, 2011
I just created a fan page for slowly but ever expanding body of work. I know my challange will be to maintain it. What can I say, I'm a bridge builder not a toll collector. Please skadoot over there is you haven't yet and smack the LIKE button. ...More
Ravenpark Update TwoWritten Dec 13, 2011
Just to let everybody know, three more lots have been finished for about 3 weeks (Stables, Steeplechase, Trotting Pond) but I'm still not able to upoad anything do to the Pets EP debacle. I've rigfixed every file in site I swear. I've also become involved in a small collaberative project for Christmas that we think everyone will enjoy. So, maybe I'll get these things uploaded somethime after... ...More
Ravenpark UpdateWritten Oct 27, 2011
Man, I need to blog more. It looks like I don't do a thing when in fact the opposite is true. Anyway, just a quick update to say the Ravenpark stables are well under way. What I think will also be happening is at least one other 64 x64 lot with a steeplechase course on it. I've also placed a smaller lot in front of the mansion to the right of the entrance road but I'm not sure what to do... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
fredbrennyJan 27, 2016
You know...
You know!
Love you,Gissence
-Jotape-Dec 31, 2014
Out with the old, in with the new, may you be happy the whole year through. Happy New Year Gissence!
MetensDec 30, 2014
A little bit earlier - I wish you a New Year filled with love, hope and sweet dreams. Enjoy each moment with your friends and your family, Be who you really are and not who people want you to be, Smile, Stay strong and Carry on amazing me with your creativity, Gissence! - Ben