gobby's Blog
Gallery will display coming soon items
Welll I haven't put much on tsr for a while now, how can I say this?...hummm I lost my muse to create things but I have now got the sims 3 which I am enjoying and I will start doing some stuff for that instead. At the moment I am putting up my creations for the sims 2 that I never posted anywhere. There's not many but hopefully you will enjoy them all the same.
My gallery blog on this page will show the things I am working on and that are coming soon this gives you a peak at what I am upto :)
gobby xxxxxx
Sorry I am not taking requests
Sadly I am not taking requests I was getting so many I couldn't keep up and I hate to disappointed (that sounded so vain sorry lol) this time around I have realised I don't have the time to do them just yet if I do get requests.
On a happier note, here is one of the sims 3 houses I have been working on they are not finished yet but hopefully will get done soon. I am converting some of my sims 2 houses too.
Below are coming soon which are some eyes called marble for the sims 2
This house comes without the garage too
PC Problems
HiYou've probably noticed by now I haven't uploaded, well we had a huge lightening storm and by the looks of things it burnt out my PC (so much for serge protectors).
All my work is on the hard drive of that PC which sadly will not fit this one as it is a very old back up.
In a few months I should have my PC bits together but I won't know until then whether I can save the work.
I'll try and get some creations up from an old backup CD I made.
Thanx for reading and hope to be back soon. xxxxx
Big Thanx
Big thanx to all who entered my first poll now I kind of know that my mini site is not a total waste of time lol.Also a BIG thank you in advanced to anyone who downloads and/or comments I really, really appreciate it.
Little Exclusive!!
Hi, I'm bringing you a little Exclusive just to mark the birth of the mini site They will be coming very soon so look out for them on the site. Hugz xx

Bringing You a minisite.
Hi There,Well, guess you have noticed the changes by now lol.
I have decided to bring you a minisite. Currently it is underconstruction but it shouldn't take too long to get up and running so please bare with me.
Hopefully I will get it up and running and with lots of my great new items for you to use. I look forward to seeing you around and hopefully you'll like it.
Hugz and love for now xxxxxx.