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hippiebill's Guestbook

BeOSBoxBoyFeb 13, 2007

\:o hippiebill, you are too kind! Thank you for the amazing compliment! It really touched me that someone I have long respected as an artist would say something like this to me. But I would be nothing without my partner in crime Marvine. She really is the brains and talent of the operation, I am just the surly mule that draws the cart to market \:D I can't tell you how much more I have come to enjoy making and creating things for the game since I came to TSR, so many artists I have admired in one place, it is like heaven! Before I forget, Happy Valentines Day, here's hoping you have lots of chocolates, bubbly, and sims! *hugs*

Mistress UselessFeb 12, 2007

I think I am in the running for champion downloader, anyway. Thanks for making it so fun!

heybossFeb 12, 2007

Hiya Bill!\:D Thank you for your comment on my Tradition lot! I'm glad you like it! Have a nice day! \:D \;\)

minicartFeb 10, 2007

Hi Bill! Thank you for your comment on my purple teen outfit - it's very much appreciated and I'm glad you liked it! Glad also that you've started creating again! Happy Simming/Creating/Downloading and have a great day! Julie \:rah\:

Mistress UselessFeb 7, 2007

Thanks for the teen boys workout wear!

sesameJan 28, 2007

Thank you for commenting on my Outwest Wall. I really enjoy making walls in my downtime and I am soooo glad to know other people such as yourself enjoy them too!! Happy Trails!!!!\:\) \;\) \:D

TantraJan 28, 2007

Hi Hippiebill\:\) Thank you for your lovely comment on my Ruffle Top With Jeans, it is greatly appreciated\:wub\: Have a wonderful day!\:rah\:

evanescoJan 28, 2007

Thanks for the comment \:D Glad you like that! Happy simming \:rah\:

confideJan 28, 2007

Hello \:\) I want to thank you for such nice comment you left on my creation, I'm very happy you like it! Have a nice weekend \:\)

BeOSBoxBoyJan 15, 2007

Hello and Happy New year Hippiebill! Thank you for the wonderful comment on my eye set, it is always a big ego-booster to get comments on my work from long-time established artists in the community! I hope your creative chi channels are flowing! I love to see more of your work! \:rah\:

legionoxoDec 26, 2006

Dear Mr.Hippie Bill I have been a fan of yours since I first saw your goodies at the "FashionBarn" and always look forward to seeing what you come up with next. As to my comments, you are very welcome. Personally I feel that not at least dropping a thank you to an artist who shares their time consuming work with perfect (or not so perfect) strangers is incrediably rude and thoughtless. Besides who doesn't like a pat on the back (upper or lower). I hope your Christmas/Holiday Season was filled with all good things for you. Thanks again for the sharings. See you in the New Year \:rah\: oxo legionoxo

LilyoftheValleyICEAug 30, 2006

You're welcome! And I'm surprised you didn't get good responses...the dresses look fabulous in the game ^^ I'll have to take a look at that website now too \:\)

siouxweetyAug 30, 2006

I agree with you about kids and them begging you to get the game for them. I am the same way. My daughters still play, but they are under age 16. However, I think that the grownups have more fun with this than the kids do! \:\)

clcny20Jul 31, 2006

There you are! I missed your comments, have been keeping an eye out for them \:\) Good to hear from you, glad you are doing well. I will definitely check out your site, as I hope you will mine once I get it up and running (seriously getting into meshing right now, but won't release any new meshes until the site is up). Thanks for commenting, and I hope to hear from you again really soon \:rah\:

NeptuneSuzyJul 29, 2006

Hey Bill! Thanks so much for leaving comments on my Long Hair for Men! I'm glad you now have hair for your game that looks like your own! Maybe I'll get around to doing a curly version one day! Sue \:\)

tntxgyrlJul 21, 2006

\:\) Thank you for the tip need as many as I can get. Very new to this but I love everything I am learning.\:D \:\)

eviJul 11, 2006

Bro..I am always searching the net as I use to do when I was young\;\) and I always find things \:D

AdamRollinsonJun 19, 2006

Hehe thanks, use a lot of your stuff. \:D

mrscrockett01Jun 5, 2006

Hey! I checked out your link. Nice site~ I've got it bookmarked. I'm an old hippiechick from way back. If you are so inclined check out my site. Its not a Sims site but an aquatic one. I'm also into fishkeeping and have 14 or so tanks up and running. It can be found at www.th3WetSpot.com . I'll be watching for some more great stuff from you and the other artists at the Barn! From one old Hippiechick to a HippieBill, peace!

jerriellenMay 30, 2006

I build bigger houses, I just havent published them yet!\:D I'll upload one so you can see it\:\) I know what kind of "Mens" room you meant \:P I like the chairs very much, my men will like them too\:rah\:

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