jessesue (5472332)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (1 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (165 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Family Selfie
Published May 24, 2021
About Me
Origin ID: bmit04
My tumblr: http:/poses-by-bee.tumblr/com
My Pinterest:
Here I am jessesue but otherwise I am best known as bmit04. I've been happily married for 32 years now with 4 beautiful children that keep me very busy. I was introduced to Sims 2 by my very best friend and was instantly hooked. I moved on to Sims 3 in January 2012.
I am a fan of Sims 4.
Playing Sims 3 and trying the challenges inspired my blogstory that I have been writing since the Summer of 2014. You can find it here at I would love if you could take the time to stop by my site! Also if you would like to see more of my poses, you can find me here: Hope to see you there.
April 30 2017
Just want to say thank you to everyone who has stopped by or downloaded a creation from my site. On April 29 2017, my downloads totaled just over one hundred thousand and I'm so happy yet surprised. Thank you so much!
January 17, 2018
On April 30th 2017, I made a goal to reach 150,000 downloads by December 31st of the same year. It took me a few extra weeks, but as of today January 17, 2018 I finally reached that goal! It's been a slow year for me, looking after my mother with dementia and I wish I could have submitted more! Hopefully 2018 will be a better year and I will be able to get out some of my Sims 4 creations for you as well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
July 28, 2018
I've just been made Select Artist for Sims 3 for posing! Thank you so much to the staff at TSR for this honour and to all my lovely followers for being so supportive and encouraging!
August, 2023
I've just made 500,000 DL's!!! So amazing and I feel so humbled. Thank you for all your support in downloading my creations, giving me great suggestions for new projects and all your lovely comments! I couldn't nor wouldn't do this without all of you! Happy Simming!
Terms of Use
Please respect the hard work and time it takes me to create a pose set.
Do NOT alter/reupload my creation sets or the pics to any site.
DO NOT share to any site, or with other players.
Do NOT convert my poses to Sims 4.
You can find my poses here:
My Guestbook Show All
EntheaSep 30, 2024
Thanks for still making content for the Sims 3! I love your poses and it makes my Sims 3 even more fun.
FunnyaaJan 05, 2024
Lol, sorry Jesse, of course I meant 2024. But I hope 2023 was a good year for you as well.
FunnyaaJan 02, 2024
Thank you for your lovely guestbook entry. I wish you all the best for 2023 with countless beautiful moments. And I'm still looking forward to your next great poses. You're really doing a great job. Thank you for sharing, Jesse.