jmarie1968 (5279126)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (13 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
I enjoy making sims CC different techniques I want to learn how to do meshes next It is really a great hobby to be able to make different Content for the Sims 4 I also enjoy downloading different items from the Sims Resource there are so many wonderful artists. I use Sims 4 Studio and Photoshop but I do want to start making my own meshes with Blender and Marvelous Designer I have to study on how to do so. But for the mean while all my CC I am using is Maxis Match I have all the games except for Star Wars maybe another time for that one.
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All my Meshes are Maxis Match for now I own all the games except for Star Wars.