Big speed improvement and bugs fixed
Today we made some changes that led to a very big improvement in page load times, i think you will notice the difference :).
There are still some more things we can tweak to reduce the load times even further but i believe we are on an acceptable level already.
We have also done some changes in the way ads are being loaded in an effort to improve responsiveness in IE 7, now the ads are loaded after the whole page has loaded which should help a little bit at least.
The wizard installation has been fixed today.
The Java IRC application is now working.
We have also fixed a lot of other small bugs like for example that the category tree navigation now closes the initial open node when you select another, the moving of pods on your profile page works again, links to profiles have been corrected in some places to name a few. We are working hard to fix all the bugs that we find and the ones you report.
Now with the performance issue hopefully under control we will be able to focus even more on fixing remaining bugs!