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juhhmi's Blog

Summer is coming!

I've really enjoyed my university studies and I've only got three exams left this spring. Hence, I'm also enjoying the summery weather as well as building a new Baroque lot in the Sims 2! The lot has interesting garden features and interiors inspired by noracelwyne's beautiful project: http://forums.thesimsresource.com/index.php?/topic/271677-baroque-showcase-for-your-regal-simswip/  She also posted a link to rundstedt's great Baroque showcase:  http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/674209.page Check them out! :D 

At the end of last year, I began creating my own fantasy world with its long history, religions, languages, magic, maps... Well, here you can find the main features: http://juhhmi.deviantart.com/gallery/41388532. So many interesting things to do! I have a notebook filled with short descriptions and stories of the world waiting to be rewritten on computer. I just happened to notice that my English vocabulary is not diverse enough for true writing, and grammatic rules have been quite forgotten... '~'

On the other hand, I haven't had much time left for calligraphy, drawing or painting. I hope I can create a nice manuscript or something this summer. 

I wish you all a great summer! (...or winter in the southern hemisphere) 

University studies...

...take a lot of time. Well, I've also played Simcity 4 (hence my latest building is a forge), and started a calligraphy hobby (I have already [too] big plans...). The first exams are next week so I have to read for those too... At the moment, I have no idea how well those will go... Being me, I tend to have too many projects at once, so I haven't build anything for my Sims 2 Baroque neighborhood, and I have an incomplete drawing with me all the time waiting for free time and a moment of artistic inspiration.

So concluding: probability for new Sims 2 buildings from me is very small...

And if you haven't noticed yet, I happen to like these ellipses... dot dot dot...

Old wallpapers

While buiding my latest mansion, I had problems with finding suitable wallpapers. However, after seeing beautiful tapestry in a TV-program (I Own Britain's Best Home) featuring a mansion, I decided to copy it by drawing and then fixed and coloured it on my computer. The result is a set of continuous wallpapers which is soon to be published. I even have an motif idea for the next wallpaper so hopefully my enthusiasm will last for at least a couple of days more.

This is the best coloured version I made.


The first lot of my modern mansions is Kallio, beautiful cliffside lot with many terraces. Unfortunately, I'm unable to upload any lots for an unknown reason.


Returning to the game

After quite a long time, I had to check that my latest submission is from last summer. How time flies! During last fall I had to participate mandatory military service, and instead of the Sims 2 I was playing Skyrim and enjoying a game style new to me. After exploring this game, I began to find nostalgic feelings to Sims 2 again...

At the moment, I'm planning on restarting my sim-architect's career. It's always nice to have a little break from the game, and then return to it with your mind full of fresh ideas. Today, I started a new modern house (inspired by  laivine_erunyauve and RamboRocky90) which I lost due to game crash. However this drawback got me delving into the world of architecture and relearning how to build in the Sims 2. Hopefully, you'll see creative results soon.

P.S. You may have noticed new pictures of a cathedral but unfortunately I have problems with uploading it.

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Summer is coming! University studies... Old wallpapers Kallio Returning to the game
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