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lexiann123's Guestbook

Charmed-one-Tammy!Oct 29, 2007

umm it's ok \:\) Tammy xxx

ElunaOct 29, 2007

I will , game problems never good \:\( had to reinstall everything myself the other day and now my old downloads is simply not showing up

samcactus101Oct 29, 2007

I just saw the longest GB entry ever made by anyone. WOW, you 2 must be really close. After school today, I've got Chemistry tuition in the afternoon. So no nap today. Have fun taking screenshots!\:cool\: I'll be sure to comment on at least one so look out for it\;\) \:D \:P

AshGregOct 29, 2007

thanks for ya comment\:D \:D

ShadowSpiritOct 29, 2007

Wow sorry for the such late reply...again, seem like it's getting a habbit for me sorry lol. Yah it's a pain but I've been trying to stay away from that person and try not to be hanging around him cos he ends up winding me up or making me so angry I wanna punch his face in LOL! And yah I defo know what you mean with school it's just a sack of crap and I've been through what you've been through believe me, it sucks big time. It's just when you leave school and relise those fuckers from school are worthless pieces of shit, and you'll get one over on them sooner or later \;\) Aaah that's cool you have H&M it's pretty popular over here, I got some nice trousers from there, they're like grey/black stripped ones well I like them anyway couldn't care less what others think lol. Plus yah I know what you mean with fashion, I don't care for it, don't follow it either I just where what I like and what I want..also I hate the fashion that's about now so shopping can be annoying when shopping in high street shops :S That's cool good to hear you have a friend to depend on now, cos it didn't sound good before about your other friend... but I guess that's all over and done with now. 3D horror movie? That sounds wicked, I'll probs be going to a party at my friends house and dress up like I said like a vampire cos I've bought some realistic fang my friend loved them cos I wore them Saturday for fun, some people got a tad freaked by me but what the hey scaring people is always a bounce \;\) Hehehehe! That sounds like fun what your going to do, I wish Halloween was more like christmas like more than a one day thing cos I like it so much it's my favourite holiday. But one thing I really wanted to do was go ghost hunting on halloween but I wouldn't know who to ask or organise things with for that, cos there are many haunted place here in Bristol where I live and I've had enough paranormal activity happen to me before and that hole thing to do with paranormal, aliens, witch craft, ghost, vamprisim etc is just stuff I'm interested in and I find it very interesting. Anything like that you interested in?? I'm glad you liked that kylemonkey stuff I knew you needed cheering up sometime so I thought it would be a good cure \:D\:D Oh and you know of Tokio Hotel that good, cos I only meet one other person that really knows about them over here but yah kind like them, not something I'd normally listen to but cos it's different it's kinda good I think \:\) Plus there's alway the fact of Bill \:P Oh and with my movie hmmm....I dunno if I'm going to start it I've not got the sims on my computer atm and don't think I'm going to install it any time soon, stuff like college work has made me busy for one and the software for my camera has taken up memory on the computer, so I'm not sure maybe sometime in the future I'll do it. Hey have you ever thought of making a sims movie?? Ttyl....Lorna \:D\:D

Getting UncontiousOct 28, 2007

me too, I went to a party yesterday, and I came home very late \:puke\:

OpheliaNivalOct 28, 2007

Hehe, my old roomie and I loved the show so much we bought a DVD from the US, which basically ment we had to buy a zonefree DVD-player also. The whole thing ended up costing way too much, but then we saw the first episode and all was "OK!" \:D "This is my favorite show", "I love TV"... I'll be looking forward to reading some more of your stories when they come \:D

Sara1993Oct 28, 2007

Great! Can't wait to read it\:D \:wub\: Honestly, I have no ideas what we would talk about...maybe Harry Potter? I'm really BIG fan\:D \:D Have u read the seventh book? I did\:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

qvisnOct 28, 2007

Would love to read it when its ready, your stories are amazing.\:wub\: Shirley.\:D

Getting UncontiousOct 28, 2007

yeeah \:D\:D I'm tired, but I'm fine (: and you? ***:

qvisnOct 28, 2007

Hi Lex, you asked if i read your new story, where is it.??\:D \:wub\:

Charmed-one-Tammy!Oct 28, 2007

My pleasure no worries \;\) Tammy xxx

samcactus101Oct 28, 2007

You like staying home alone too??! YEEEAH me too!! Its just me, mah bro & mah dog. No, my mom hasn't come home yet. She said on the phone the bus driver is driving too freaking slow...\:ph34r\: She'll be back when it gets dark. You're right about the freedom. Its good to live the alone life... one negative side tho,, my mom, uncle & grandma are ABSOLUTE WORRY- PUSSES!! They'd call regularly,, more like a lil' TOO regularly. They worry about whether we can handle it ourselves. For Christ's sake, I"M SEVENTEEN!! I can take care of myself, my lil' bro & my dog. Its only for 2 days. I know they mean well but I seriously hate talking on the phone and them worrying sick really pisses me off actually. But, my mom called this morning and said dad will be back next month. YAY! \:P \:rah\: Just in time for my graduation day on the 3rd. Then, we're gonna celebrate his birthday before he has to leave again. So enough about me, what'cha doin'?\:\)

Sara1993Oct 28, 2007

That is sooo COOL!!!\:D \:D \:D I know I have to decide whether I dance ballet or not. Great to hear your sims are fine. Yeah, I can't wait for my sims either.\:D Can't wait for your next story!\:D \:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

AshGregOct 28, 2007


OpheliaNivalOct 28, 2007

Thank you, my avatar is the character Gir from "Invader Zim", I love that show \:wub\: ... You are very talented and I'd love to read more of your stories \:D Ophelia.

samcactus101Oct 27, 2007

Hey Lex,, so I guess I can start writing in your GB again instead sending PMs.\:P lol. I prefer the GB, its alot easier\:o So my mom has gone to another state to see my dad at his workbase. He's not allowed to come home until December. Too bad huh? She left me, my bro & my dog all alone to take care of ourselves. She'll come back the following day. YAY!,no grandma coming,, we'll be ALOneee...\:D \:D

Getting UncontiousOct 27, 2007

thaaank you lex \:wub\: you're like a sister to me too \:D\:D I don't have any ideas, either ~: miih ***:

Sara1993Oct 25, 2007

I know, it realy seems to be forever!\:D and now I'm not even sure if I'll dance ballet when it comes! I'm bit confused\:\( Thanks\:D I'm good, though without ballet, but still\:D Great to hear you're ok, too\:D I have great grades so far, only one C is there to bother\:\( But it'll do it\:D I still don't have my sims\:mad\: I'm really angry now I mean I've been without them for almost 3 months!\:mad\: How are your sims doing? Hope they're all right\:D Take care, Sara\:wub\: \:D

ElunaOct 25, 2007

sure that was no problem at all\:D

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