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lexiann123's Guestbook

ticticc13Oct 11, 2007

\:wub\: Hello Lex, thanks again for the screenshot comments. ^_^ I appreciate it so much. Have a lovely day.

samcactus101Oct 10, 2007

When her condition was getting better, (she still has to go for dialysis every 3 days tho, & my mom is donating RM1000 for her kidney transplant) her whole family went to the temple to pray for her. They asked the priest for advice. The temple priest asked them to take pictures of their whole house, inside & out, then bring the photos to him. They did, & when the priest analysed all the shots, he circled some parts of the photos, showing & explaining to them that there is evil in these parts of the house, lurking but invisible. \:eek\: One is outside their balcony & another inside Uma's bedroom. Its pretty creepy, not scary but creepy...\:eek\: Blessings will be done to exorcise these evil. Uma is prohibited from being near the house for fear that she might get possessed. Well, I'll keep you updated on what happens next cuz I dunno whens the exorcisms gonna take place.\:\)

samcactus101Oct 10, 2007

On with the story,, Uma's house number is 31, which adds up to 4, NoT gOod!\:wacko\: I don't really know how to explain it, cuz I dunno how this stuff happens. She fell terribly ill, altho her family had insisted that she goes to the hospital, she insisted that she'll get better after some time. But when her head ache got worse, she was rushed to the hospital. Doctors asked why she wasn't sent sooner. One more day & she would've died!!\:puke\: \:puke\:

samcactus101Oct 10, 2007

Anyweyz, back to us.. my mom, her cousin (her names Uma) & I are born on the 12th in different months. Our birthdate number adds up to 3 & we have lucky & unlucky numbers of our own. Auspicious numbers are 1, 3, 5 & 6. Inauspicious numbers are 4, 7 & 8. (I know this may not seem scary yet but it gets better!\:\) \:\) ) These numbers are usually used when we're buying houses & cars. For houses, the house number must add up to a good single-digit number. For cars, the plate number must also add up to good single-digit numbers,, like the ones stated...

RIDanceOct 10, 2007

Hey Lex, guess what? I posted Oasis Island so it should be up soon! I haven't talked to you in a while so I thought I'd just drop in and see how you're doing. Well, have a great day and I'll talk to you later! \:\)Rach

samcactus101Oct 10, 2007

Haha ok since you wanna know & everyone is reading\;\). I'm an Indian but I don't completely believe in superstition. My mom on the other hand sometimes goes to that old fortune-teller guy to check whats "in store" for us in the future. Hes REALLY old and his 'predictions' aren't accurate enough.\:ph34r\: I think almost ALL of what he says is bull. There IS some truth in it but not ACCURATE truth\:rolleyes: \:ph34r\: I think I better stop here or it may seem to long & boring\:P

qvisnOct 10, 2007

I dont know if he was really drunk but he had 5 glasses of champagne. I know i would be.\:P

Love_Struck65Oct 9, 2007

My, my Lex, You MUST tell me how you are doing those poses in your screenies! I MUST KNOW YOUR SECRET!!! \:D Seriously though, where'd you get those posing hacks?

MinnieMinPinOct 9, 2007

Lex, Thanks for taking the time to sign my GB, I appericate it! \:wub\: Happy Simming! MinnieMinPin

Sara1993Oct 8, 2007

Hi again!\:D I just saw your new pictures\:D The first one is AWESOME! So ful with horror!\:D What happened to the poor sim? Bye, Sara\:D

Sara1993Oct 8, 2007

Hi!\:D So, you're prety the same as I am-your game keep crashing and I don't even have the game!\:\( You're going to the therapist? Why? I think it's romantic what you're doing with your sims\:D \:wub\: My school is great, but I'm kinda depressed 'cause I don't have my sims!\:D So, take care&Hope to hear from you soon\:D

sweetcharmingOct 8, 2007

Thanks for your compliment, Lex\:\)I nearly finsihed my next story, maybe I can upload it at Friday\:D I love your new avatar and your new pics!(manga!\:D) Take care!\:wub\: ~ Krisi

samcactus101Oct 8, 2007

Oh I just LOOOOVE\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Tony Hawk games! They're just so much fun! I've never played the Pro Skater games tho, I started the series from Tony Hawk Underground 2 (THUG2), Tony Hawk American Wasteland (THAW), Tony Hawk Project 8 (THP8) & Downhill Jam. Especially THUG2 & THAW\;\) Ooh, I play Sims Bustin' Out, Urbz & Sims2 PS2 too! P/S: My mom's cousin called my mom today! She said herself that shes fully recovered. Thanks for asking.\:cool\: Its not just protein deficiency that caused her illness, also something more.. based on evil,, its quite horrifying when I heard about it. Wanna know more? Since you like horror movies....\:rah\: \:rah\:

irina_nr13Oct 7, 2007

hey \:\) thanks for asking, sorry, i've been having some problems and didn't feel like talking so much, i'm fine now and happy you asked \:\) how are you? take care \:\) thanks again for asking

Getting UncontiousOct 6, 2007

and thanks for commenting on my screenie \:D\:D\:D

Getting UncontiousOct 6, 2007

you're welcome \:D\:D i didn't know that, it must be terrible ~: but i'm waiting for another amazing sreenie ;D :** miih

ShadowSpiritOct 5, 2007

Hey I thought I'd message you here, as youtube won't let me message you for some reason...SO annoying. Anyway here's the message I was spose to send you there..... Thanks \:\) I'm really sorry to hear about that, I really hope everything gets better and goes ok....I really do. And college, well I'm not enjoying it tbh. The people, the work, the lesson, the days there are just well......crap basically. But I must admit it's nothing like school, a part from some immature fucks! I'm not gonna drop out, don't see why I should fail cos some little things are not at its best. Enough of that anyway....it's the end of the week and I feel better for it, I'm going shopping this Saturday and I'm going to enjoy it, werid! So what about you, do you have any plans for the weekend? Anything exciting? Talk to you soon \:\) Lorna. P.S. Oh yah have you signed up at the koinup.com? If so what's your name there? I'll find you and add you to my contacts \:D

MinnieMinPinOct 4, 2007

Thanks for signing my GB, I appericate it! Thanks for the info on the dress! \:cool\: \:cool\: I am enjoying in my game. MinnieMinPin

sweetcharmingOct 4, 2007

Hi Lex!\:\) Thanks for your nice comment you left on my last screen, I'm glad that you like it!\:D Take care+big hugs ~ Krisi

Sara1993Oct 4, 2007

Hi! Lucky you\:D With sister, I mean\:D When I was little I always wanted to play with my sis but she didn't wanted to 'cause she went out with friends!\:\( My sims are the same...they're not\:D I still didn't get them borowed from my aunt\:\( I'm cool-as cool as you can be with a cold\:D How are you and your sims? Sara\:D

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