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lexiann123's Guestbook

Sara1993Apr 20, 2008

Are you still alive?\:D \:D We haven't talk for ages! I don't really have anything to say, but I miss talking to you\:D And please write back SOON!\:D \:D \:D \:D Sara\:wub\:

simangel234Apr 19, 2008

Thank You So Much For Your Comment On My "Music For You" Picture! I Really Appreciate It! Take Care!\:\) ~Celeste

Getting UncontiousApr 19, 2008

Hii Lex \:D\:D Yeah, I'm stil alive \:cool\: I'm quite busy, too ç_ç I got a lot of things to study u_u' Yeah, here in Brazil we celebrate it on June 12 (: Of course you can \:D Is it a manga? I don't know who should she be with, caause I don't know her story ~; Love you too \:wub\:

Bury me deep inside your heartApr 15, 2008

Hi Lex!!! so sorry for the late reply\:o . I cant' go to play volleyball because at the time they're giving classes, I have to study English to the institute, so I quit on volleyball. So now I'm in athletics, I love to run \:wub\: (I run 5 times at week), I will read 'Desire Climax', thanks for the suggest. Oh.. I think "Akuma na Eros" is my favorite manga right now, I love Kai\:wub\: , he's so gorgeous \:ph34r\: Take care \;\)

Sara1993Apr 9, 2008

HEY!\:wub\: Sorry about this LATE message, but my computer broke...Anyway, I got it back now...\:D \:D Oh, I'm so sorry that it didn't work out between you and that guy...How does he looks like?How old is he? I want to know EVERYTHING!\:D \:D \:D No, unfortunately I'm not dating him...But I still love him\:D \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: \:D Oh, I LOVE Degrassi too\:D \:D \:D It's not shown here, but I've watched clips and everything\:D \:D \:D Too bad that JT dies...\:\( \:\( \:\( He's like the cutest guy in there! That is, my opinion\;\) \:D \:wub\: \:D \:D Ok, ,I have to go now. Love, Sara\:wub\: And write back soon, because I miss talking to you\:D

irina_nr13Apr 5, 2008

Heeeeey!!! where were you? \:\) My dogs are mother and daughter \:D the yellow one is Chilli and she is a german sheppard(4 years old) and the other one's name is Lady(she's 7 months old \:D) i love cats too but my dogs don't \:\( so..i can't have any. What can i say \:\) good luck with the dance. I'm happy i talked to you, but i haven't seen you online anymore..what happened?Talk soon\:\) take care

Bury me deep inside your heartMar 22, 2008

Hey Lex!!!! I just pass to wish you a Happy Easter!!!!\:D Hope to talk you soon\;\)

Sara1993Mar 14, 2008

Hiiiiiii!\:D \:D \:D Yes, I'm still in love with him\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Well, he's got black hair and brown eyes in wich I could swim...He's also got a bit darker skin...\:D I love him!!!!!!\:D \:wub\: \:D \:wub\: \:wub\: Yes, I did get over that cold\:\) \:D What's up at your place? Do you by any chance at all watching Degrassi?\:D Hope to hear from you soon\:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

IkaridasuMar 12, 2008

hey!\:D yeh i've been kinda busy with work n stuff too \:rolleyes:... aww that sucks things have been bad for you \:\( i was having a bad time a few months ago with nerves and it like stopped me from doing loads of stuff so i got kinda depressed. i'm cool now though, just support from my friends helped really \:\) so how's school? Do u guys leave when you're 18? \:confused\: lol i was wondering cos i left at 16 lol but that's how it is over here lols write back soon \:\) ~Mii~ \:rah\:

samcactus101Mar 12, 2008

Hiya! Hey remember that big important exam I had to take last year? i told everyone here at TSR including u about it. Well, I got what I aimed for: 5A's, 5B's and a C. Very average I know but it was the best shot I had. Anything new with u?\:\)

irina_nr13Mar 11, 2008

well i have adopted 2 dogs :X wich i adooore and are very funny. i'm quite happy at the moment\:\) how are you?

Bury me deep inside your heartMar 11, 2008

Hi Lex!!! This time answered fast... I'm happy\:\). Sorry for your lost friend\:\(.Well... today I start athletics and tomorrow volleyball, I am very excited \:D I love romances too\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:, you're right "Love Celeb" is great \:rah\: In fact Mayu Shinjo's mangas are fabulous, especially in the way she draws her male characters (SHINJO BOYS)... they're soo beautiful that it's hurts to see them\:wub\: \:wub\: \:D I read a lot of her mangas and she is the best!!!. My favorite is "Akuma na Eros", did you read it??\:confused\: If you didn't...you must haha\:D. Take care and hugs \;\)

Love_Struck65Mar 10, 2008

haha, thanks Lex, but I don't have any new CC up right now. I don't really have a photo editing prgram installed anymore. But whebn I do, I'm going STRAIGHT for Bodyshop! \:D \;\) Take Care, xx Cass

Bury me deep inside your heartMar 10, 2008

Hi Lex!!! why are you depressing???\:confused\: "Chobits" is about a boy called Hideki from the countryside who goes to the city in order to access the university. In this city there're "Persocom" (they're computers with shape of human, used to facilitate people's lives) and all kinds of technology. He wants a persocom but are very expensive from him \:\( But one day he find one (Chi) on in the garbage... basically this is a love story between humans and machines with many scenes of fun\:D . I love it\:wub\: Yes, I read other mangas on that site\:\) "Ai Hime- Ai to Himegoto", "Beast Master"(this manga is my favourite right now), "Love Celeb", "Ludwing Kakumei", "Kiss/Hug". And you???\:confused\:. Take care!!!! \;\)

lukehatherMar 10, 2008

Hi Lex, England is alright, but i think America would be much more exciting, Where abouts do you live in America, LA! Britney's over there, such ashame about everything thats happened to her but im sure she'll bounce back very soon! The weather is awful here aswell. Bet its not in America.... Am i just looking at the luxury part of America like LA? Anyway hope to here from you soon, seeya!\;\)

samcactus101Mar 10, 2008

OH MAH GAWD! LEX!!!\:cool\: how are ya? Well, don't be too depressed, I'm also pretty stressed out with college. Lotsa studying, assignments, projects, exams & quizes\:D You're not alone... Congrats on that new camera, hope you like it. Must be fun, I know how that feels. I got a PSP 2 weeks ago. My bro was like, "Sam, I'm dreaming, don't pinch me"\:P :PIts really fun. I'm playing Sims2 Castaway. LOAD o'fun!\:rah\:I got a 1-week break off college so I get to relax a bit. Really need to catch up with sleep, TV & of course TSR!\;\) \:\) \:D

irina_nr13Mar 3, 2008

the band is amazing and the video :X \:\) i love them thanks for sharing the link

irina_nr13Mar 3, 2008

thanks for the link i love korn :X \:wub\: i miss talking to you too i haven't seen you online anymore\:\(

Sara1993Feb 29, 2008

Hei there! Haven't talked to you for ages!\:wacko\: I guess you've been busy.\:\) How are you doing? Is everything ok? Talk to me soon\:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

irina_nr13Feb 26, 2008

ok thank you i'll post it on my profile\:\) nothing new for me, busy with school\:\)

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