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lexique's Guestbook

simboy161Dec 14, 2006

sorry i meant nightlife \:o

simboy161Dec 14, 2006

that would be really helpful(bear in mind that the only expansion pack i have at the moment is mightlife)blame my computer! Paul

enchantmentsistersDec 14, 2006

Hey! Sorry it took me while to read the third part...I've been sick and taking exams lately. It was good as usual \:\) I'm not sure that you can keep them towards the top of the list because I think they cycle through as new ones are posted. \:\)

slimeDec 13, 2006

YOUR STORY SUCKED \:mad\: just joking \:P it was great i gave you 5 points for support it was so good \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

Emerald_LexusDec 12, 2006

Hi there, it's really no problem for me. In fact I read the second chapter but somehow it slipped my mind to comment and rate (LOL \:D )..But don't worry, cuz I've been there and done that...Merry Christmas, Lexus \:\)

slimeDec 12, 2006

ok um i dont see a comment but if yo read my story plz lighten up on the comment im only 11 and im working on the next part

megansleiaDec 11, 2006

I will definitly read it as soon as I can. I have had the flu, so I haven't been on the site for a while. So I will try to read it very soon!!

slimeDec 11, 2006

bravo bravo on ur story i gave you 5 points it was it was it was so great i have nothing to say right now (lol) thats how much i liked it good job \:D and i shall be expecting the next part soon \;\)

SimFreak4LifeDec 8, 2006

Quote: " sorry but i cudnt even b bothered to finish reading it. ure images r really bad, and u hav screwed it up b ycheats. and wat u ryt doesnt really make sense. i dont think i wll b reading ya next part. " I'd just like to say that I took that very offensively. You could have atleast said it in a nicer way. You're not a very nice person, are you? If it's your choice to be hated or be thought of as not a very nice person, then that's your choice. I think that what I wrote in my story, and all the pictures, were actually quite good. Do take notice that I'm only 10 years old and that was my first story. \:mad\: \:wacko\: Sincerely, Nekeisha

slimeDec 3, 2006

lexique i was reading a few stories and found some of your comments ya um some of them are a tab bit mean (not calling you mean) but mayba you could put it in a diffrent way i mean i know you mean what you mean but im the same way but dont put those comments maybe you know just make it nice like you could do a little better like thar comment i dont want to get you mad

enchantmentsistersNov 27, 2006

Great job on Chapter 2! I didn't see that coming. Looking forward to the next part \:\)

TuesdaiNov 25, 2006

Listen to me\:mad\: You don't know me but I know your kind of tipe\:mad\: You are a bad bad person. If you ever make somthing I'll say it's bad. Even though it's good.\:\) Still your mean!! I hate you\:mad\:

megansleiaNov 23, 2006

I already read it, and commented in the comments. it is really good!! I can't wait to read the next part!!\:rah\: \:rah\:

HaddiscoNov 22, 2006

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to read my story and I'm sorry that you found it offensive for that was not my intention. I am not breaking any rules and I am not hurting anyone so I think that it would be a stupid thing to try and censor me/shut me up, especially over a story that is as ridiculous as the one I wrote. I also would like to add that I am quite educated in the aspect of the bible and do know the relationship between the peoples, I merely took a different spin on it. It's call creativity. Thank you for taking your time to read and comment, it was appreciated, and as for writing more of these, there are already over sixty in the series.

jemjamjarNov 20, 2006

Hi there, To change your picture settings u need to go to Options while playing your sims game and click on the camera. It will give u options for the size. that normally fixes the problem, either that or your Texture settings need to be done which is under game graphics in the options part while playing the game. I hope this helps some. \:\)

enchantmentsistersNov 20, 2006

\:D This must be a happy day for you - I just saw that your story was uploaded! I read it and I must say it was quite good. I'm looking forward to reading Ch. 2. \:\)

TuesdaiNov 19, 2006

I hate you

elizgrl_518Nov 14, 2006

you wrote in my guestbook that you missed the Lovelace/Baxter stories, just wanted you to know I uploaded 2 more installments they should come out tomorrow, so keep a look out. And based on the response, I might keep them going

AjoyaNov 14, 2006

Hi! Thank you soo much for commenting on my story "It Can Happen To You" Part 2 is in the making! Check back REAL soon!\:P

newbie.t.Nov 14, 2006

If your story was rejected, was there any innuendo? Maybe allusions to violence or 'adult' themes? References to drug-taking? Sexism, racism, homophobia, any other prejudice (even as a joke)? I know I'm always wary of what I can and can't put in, so I'd be grateful if you have any idea. I know this site is ultra strict. I used the word 'bitchy' in a forum (as in someone who talks about others behind their backs) and it got censored. Maybe you used a similar word? Good luck in resubmitting \:\)

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