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luvmy7's Blog

Creating for Sims 4

I did a recolor set of 4 adult female tops for Sims 4 using some of the textures from Sims 2 Texture Challenge, and submitted them ... hope I did everything right and they get accepted


Hi Everyone ... looks like I'm not going to get anything uploaded this weekend ... I have been working on learning meshing for the Sims 3 and I think I have the meshing down and maybe even the UV mapping ... but the ground shadow, I'm just not getting it and I am sure that it is probably something simple that I am missing or not doing right. Well off to try again.

Stay Safe!!!

Hi ... I'm back ... I hope

Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing well ... man it has been a long time since I have been here and a long time since I have created anything. I still don't have a lot of time to devote to creating ... BUT ... I am going to try to do something every weekend, most of the time weekdays are just to hectic with working. I have started a couple of recolors using the textures from the Texture Challange and I also tried my hand at a couple of paintings for Sim 3 using VanillaSim's great tutorial ... so thats something new to add to my stuff and this weekend I am going to try to make some seamless patterns for Sim 3, and who knows maybe even try some meshing.

Sooooo see ya soon with some new stuff!!!

Enjoy Life it's to short not too!!!

Stay Safe!!!

Hi and Merry Christmas

Hi to all who happen to wander in here to a look. I am really sorry that I have not been here in a while, my Husband passed away in Oct. from cancer and I really needed to take a break from creating to be with our children and to help them through it all, I hope to be back to recoloring soon and maybe even try some Sims 3 stuff.

Until then Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

I'm Back (or will be soon)

WOW ... Hi, it has been a while quite since I have been here. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer the end of July 2009, and things have been quite hectic around my house since. Then my computer started acting up so I have been on a borrowed computer since before Christmas and did not want to put a bunch of stuff on someone else's computer so I have not even had the Sim's Games out. BUT hopefully that will be changing here real soon. We are suppose to get our income tax return on March 5 at which time I'll be ordering a NEW computer, and I'll be gettng the Sims 3. I plan on getting back into creating for the Sims 2 also trying my hand at some creating for the Sims 3.

Before my computer started acting up I was trying to learn meshing and I liked what I was accomplishing with it .... SO.... I plan on trying to get into it more and hopefully I will like the stuff well enough to submit it, as it has been a dream of mine since I first descovered the world of the Sims. I have always wanted to make the actual objects.

Well with any luck I hope to be up and creating on my new computer by the first of April .... and sooner if at all possible. I figure that if I order it on March 5 or 6th it will take about to weeks for it to arrive and so that puts me to the middle of March and then by the time I get it all set up and everything downloaded and installed it will probably put it at the end of March.... if I can start creating the end of March I should be able to have some stuff to offer by the first week of April ..... I hope.

Until then .... stay safe and check back.  : )


for mini 1

Hi. Have you ever wanted to recolor your own Sims objects like this? But your afraid you can't do it because your not artistic? Well you can ... Join us in the Texture Challange thread here : and learn how. There are lots of talented people that will help you get started.  It's a lot of fun and the people are very friendly. So stop in and see us. We'll be looking for you.


Hi I hope everyone had an Awesome Christmas and I pray for all the best for everyone throughout the New Year. My Family and I had an absolutely Wonderful Christmas. It's so awesome to be able to Celebrate the Birthday of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

I am going to be working on and trying some new things ... that hopefully will come out good enough to share with you. Hopefully I can get out some more clothes for our Senior Sims too.

I make no promises though as life is hectic and always has a way of sneeking up on you when you least expect it, not to mention the fact that as my user name implies I have 7 children 4 of which still live at home. I also have 1 grand-daughter and 4 step-grandkids. Several animals(not including Husband & Kids)LOL. So life is busy, busy, busy.

But for now Enjoy Life, Stay Happy, Healthy, and Safe.

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone. I hope Everyone is having Wonderful Times, full of fun with family & friends. I started a new job and it takes up a lot of my time durning the week, so lately the only time I get to create is on weekends, which makes it ruff because I also have to do my grocery shopping and that sort of stuff on the weekends too, so the time I get to spend on creating is very limited so it usually takes me 2 weekends to finish a recolor. Well I"m off for now. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi, and let you know why things have been a little slow around here.

Oh I almost forgot to mention the TC Thread. It's here at TSR and it is loads of fun. Come check us out. You know the old saying "Try it you'll like it". Well come try the TC, you'll not only like it ... you'll LOVE it.

Stay Safe.

Something Big You don't want to miss this

Hi Everyone, As you can tell by my banner that we have something big coming up. For those of you who are not aware of it, if you go to the forum there is a thread called Texture Challange. It is a lot of fun and a great place to be. It is a place where you get a lot of help and encouragement from all who take part and it's an AWESOME way to learn, and like I said everyone there is awesome. I would like to encourage any one interested to stop in and check us out. TC100 is going to be GREAT and you don't want to miss it. You don't even really have to recolor we use to have a girl in there that was like our cheerleader. She would give her imput on our stuff, make suggestions, and even a request once in a while. Any how it's a lot of fun Check us out.

I still have HUGH and continued Thank You's to all who download my stuff. I have said it before and will say it again, I would not be here if it weren't for all of you. Soooo Thank You, Thank You, Thank You your the greatest.

Hi Everyone

A warm Hello to everyone, and a continued Thank You to all who download my stuff, visit my mini-site, and say a thanks for an item I have made. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.

I have made 4 dresses for Granny, with many more to come. As it says in the description I made these dresses to honor my Grandmother whom always wore an apron. She passed away when I was 12 from cancer. She was a wonderful woman, she was kind to everyone she met. I miss her dearly and these dresses help bring a little bit of her back to me. I hope that you like them and enjoy them.

Stay Safe.


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Creating for Sims 4 Hi Hi ... I'm back ... I hope Hi and Merry Christmas I'm Back (or will be soon) WANT TO BE ABLE TO CREATE YOUR... Hi Hi Everyone Something Big You don't want to... Hi Everyone
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