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Big Brother Lot

Wooow... I finally finished it! My Eamon lot is due out tomorrow. This is a lot based on my Teagan lot but with added bells and whistles so to speak. This is what happens when I get my hands on a floorplan and then do my own thing. Teagan is the original floorplan and exterior look. Eamon is me adding my practicality and creative flair to it. Color! I love color. That is one reason Eamon's exterior has so much more punch to it than Teagan's. Well, so architects are too conservative. LOL I dunno. Guess that's why on the inside of Teagan I used orange throughout. I had to put color somewhere. There is more to life than shades of beige and gray. What we all need to practice is color used tastefully.

So, this lot is finally done. It was really bugging me because my life got way out of whack while this was halfway made over. GAH! Then I lost touch with whatever creative mood I was in when I started the makeover and so... now... there's some variance throughout the lot. The first floor flows pretty well in color and decor. Upstairs is a different story. It's chopped up by tons of bedrooms so I decided to put different moods in every room. The master suite goes with the downstairs, but the boy's room is trendy and bold with horizontal blue stripes, a guitar, and computer. The girl's room is old fashioned and soft with shades of rose, beige, and brown. But, I still got ornery and gave it polka dot wallpaper to add fun and youth to the room. The pink boombox helps too. The exercise room can be another bedroom if your sim family just has to have them babies, or worse, the in-laws move in. GASP! Right now it's just a sterile workout area. Black and gray. The nursery is fun and cute with polka dots and plaid. I love yellow and blue themes. I just plain love yellow. You'd never guess I was a yellow person in real life. It's a secret. Ssshhh... LOL Not really, but whatever floats your boat. Ya know, I really need to make a cookie pattern... that would be cute, and my favoritest yummy thing in the world. Or did you miss my giant cookie header? I know, it's so subtle. What was I thinking? LOL

I think my favorite part of my Eamon lot is the basement addition. I did it up as a man cave and despite being female, I wouldn't mind hiding down there. I added a bathroom to fill an awkward space not suited for much else. It too is manly. *grunt, grunt*

As usual, I didn't use CC in this lot. I like to stick to the basics in lots I share to make it easier for people to implement them into their games. I add my CC later when I move a family in. My whole neighborhood could be filled with nothing but one house style and not one would be the same. I tailor the look and feel of a home to the sims in it.

My boss is back in the office this week. Hopefully no more overtime for me for awhile, at least. I'm still draggin' from the last two weeks. I thank the powers that be every day that I have a job, but... sometimes I think and feel like it will be the death of me, and is that really worth it? Well, I won't go all philosophical on you because I can really get going. Thinking is one of my favorite pastimes. Do what you love. Really. It's priceless. A goal of mine is to be employed in a field of work that I love, inspires me, and is meaningful. I want to make a difference just as much as the next person. There's so much room for improvement in the world and failure is not an option. Make your job one you love and get paid for it so you can pay your bills (heh, dream on macgirl...). That's a win win, for everyone really. A life of regret will shorten your lifespan faster than a diet of fast food. And... I guess... that's your random dose of nonsense from me for the day.

Check out my Eamon lot and I plan to have more lots in the near future. Right now I'm just happy to have closure to this one.

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