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Another Year Older...

Humbug. Another year has come and gone. My bday was yesterday. Bdays are so unexciting once you're a grownup. All the pizzazz is gone. Oh well. I'm not really old and I've been stuck at 18 forever anyway so it really doesn't matter. I don't plan on getting old and gray either. I'd prefer to go while I can still feed myself and wipe my own butt. Call me crazy. Just because modern medicine can extend our lifespans much longer than ever before doesn't mean we really should live that long. That's just my opinion though. I know, I'm so cold and heartless. Whatever.

I've been thinking about traits again and I can't wait for the addition of shy with Late Night. Since I have that trait in real life I noticed it was missing right away (you'd never guess if you've only met me online, invisibility is power), and loner ain't the same thing. Actually, just do introvert and extrovert. Or I guess you can settle for shy and friendly. Less scientific terms. I think touchy feely, incontinent, hyperactive, OCD (neurotic and insane don't come close), and many others should be added as well. We need to get some stereotypical problem children in the hood. And I don't care to be touched so those people you come across in life that like to get really, really, really close to you when they talk and touch you and hug you for no reason really give me the heebie jeebies. Do not invade the personal space. My radius is far larger than that of a normal person. And shouldn't there be age-specific traits too? Like incontinence for old farts, picky eater for children, eating disorder and low self-esteem for teens, near-sighted and far-sighted, etc. So you actually have a reason to give your sims specs. Cripes. Glasses aren't just decoration. Most people don't wear them for looks. What a stupid idea. It's like wearing a cast on a perfectly good limb or braces on teeth that are fine or a hairpiece on a bald head. Just be bald, be fat, be lazy, be ugly, be... whatever. Like the crazy parachute pants with useless zippers on them in the 80s. God awful noisy things and every zipper was useless. There weren't even pockets to get to. Just zippers. And stirrup pants. What exactly are we riding? Have pants gotten so unruly that we need stirrups to hold them onto us? And why can't toddlers have a favorite blankie they drag around like Linus? And it stays with them their entire life. And they can snap their siblings in the butt for getting out of line. You find them sleeping with it as an adult when the first baby is on the way or they lost their job. Stuff like that. I mean, c'mon, if ya want to get weird, get weird already! Why can't neurotic sims read self-help books to get better? Why are sims so nasty when they play catch? I mean, my GOOD sims, with the trait and everything, turbo their girlfriend in the face with the football. What the H? Idiots! I say the girls should whip it back with a bullseye on the family jewels. Take that you testosterone driven pig. How is inflicting pain on someone you love funny? Or a parent to a child. That's abuse! It's one thing if they miss the catch but deliberately launching it at them at a speed and angle that they totally can not intercept for a giggle is just sick. And I really don't think the make funny face interaction should be allowed past child. Maybe teen boys. Doesn't it seem... wrong when you're downtown and adult sims are making strange noises and faces at each other. I always feel like I just took a trip to the land of very-few-brains-and-even-less-friends. DAR! DAR! DAR! droool... If somebody did that to me in real life I'd back away slowly and look for a weapon. Heck, if I was a sim I'd carry at least a nightstick with me at all times just to smack stupid sims like that. A tazer would be better. And I'm confused. How does being mauled by a bear burn your sim to a crisp? Is it a fire-breathing bear? Does it shoot lightning out of its eyes? It's a magic bear ain't it. Evil voodoo bears are lurking in every mausoleum. Forget the dead, undead, and just the generally creepy. We need VOODOO BEARS! Why don't sims have iPods and why can't they text each other? I'm not a fan of texting but you'd think sims would have something cooler than just a cellphone by now. I think it ought to be like a Star Trek communicator and you can just beam yourself places. Minus the nasty jumpsuits of course.

Um... OK. I'll stop. That's just a bunch of randomness for you today. I'm sure I'll have another lot or something soon if work sticks to a normal pace for awhile. Tally ho and all that rot.

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