Procrastination or Obsession?
Hey! I'm still here! Yes, yes, I know. I haven't submitted in awhile and I haven't been playing or building in the sims either. Why, you ask? Of course you want to know why. Well, life sucks. Therefore I am driven to play Dragon Age instead of sims. Why, again? Blood. Glorious blood splattering everywhere and the occasional decapitation. Harsh, so? I love RPGs as much as I love sims so when I have a good one to play it's hard to do both. Each one fits different moods and purposes. However, my Dragon Age days will be coming to a close soon (I won't promise anything). I had stopped playing a bit ago and was going gung ho with my adventure sim, exploring the vacation spots, tombs, locals, etc. He makes a pretty good living off the junk he collects. Anyway, then work got crummy again and I started killing stuff. Uh, digital stuff. BUT, the final chapter of my Grey Warden's role will soon be available for download and I'll be able to wrap up that whole thing. I'm really kind of shot on Dragon Age as I've played the heck out of it on two platforms and just can't tolerate all the stupid parts any more. Alas, I realized once BioWare/EA announced the Morrigan DLC that GASP, my Warden that would fit in with her content and that I completed the game with (one of many) is on my PS3 version. BLAST! I don't want to play the PS3 version any more because honestly, it sucks compared to the PC version. So I had to remake my dude on PC and now I'm running him through the game as fast as I can to meet the Sept. 7 download date and wrap it all up. No time for sims until I get him through. I am hoping to finish him up over the long weekend, just in time to download the new mission. Eh, I got Awakening too so I might spend the 20 hours of gameplay to do that with him too. It's a snore and a half.
Uh... so anyway, that was a really long excuse for why I haven't been simming. Like anyone really cares about what I do in my spare time. LOL I can pretend can't I? An odd thing is happening while I'm playing Dragon Age now. The more I play the more I want to build. I got the build itch bad now. And I was having a blast with my new sim so I'd really like to get back to wreaking havoc in his life. Mwhahahahahahaha.
My next series of builds will be on small lots I think. My son has expressed his need for decent lots, with no CC, on 20x30 lots as that's about the biggest lot his Mac will handle and still allow him to have a family living there. Don't get me started on all the shortcomings of attempting to sim on a Mac. He is stuck in the same restrictions I had when I simmed on my Mac for Sims 2. Small to medium lots only, no building cheats, families of 5 or less sims, bad things happen when you get past 5, no reflections, and the list of unacceptable lag tripe goes on and on. Anyway, I thought I'd do some lots aimed at computers that are limping along with the game. I have a plan anyway.
I guess you got your daily dose of randomness from me with the whole Dragon Age spiel. At this point, I'm glad DA2 doesn't come out until March 2011. I can sim until then. LOL
Oh! Almost forgot. I got my copy of Simspiration a few days ago. I'm very impressed that it arrived in my rural mailbox in the armpit of the US in almost perfect condition. Better than my regular mail comes anyway. I think it's awesome. So much good stuff and eye candy too. Kudos to everyone involved!