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Good news for all you sim fans! The Dragon Age obsession has passed. Well, more an obligation than an obsession really. I was merely prepping a save file for Dragon Age 2 and finishing up the latest downloadable content. I will most likely play off and on as work stresses me out. That kind of stress simply needs a release sims doesn't offer. C'est la vie.

Fast Lane arrived in my mailbox yesterday so I plan to install that tonight and dig in. I can't wait! And I'll probably gut my CC and game files and start all over again. I'm so OCD. It's annoying. LOL But hey, I'm dedicated. Doesn't matter what game I play, I'm always like this.

I still plan to do a series of smaller lots. I've got several floorplans picked out. I'm used to having a nice square to work with so I'm having a little trouble finding something pleasing to stick on a smaller lot. I want something your sim(s) can stay in for awhile. I'm sure you don't like moving your new sim into a one room shack just to get them started any more than I do. I just end up motherloding them up so they can move right away. Even better, the free real estate cheat is priceless. They still haven't worked out that imbalance between your sim's starting funds and a house the size they really need. We have loans. Sims are SOL.

Heh, here's my random ramble for this post. Forums with spoiler rules. I have never understood this. It's pretty simple. You don't want your game spoiled? Don't go to the forums. Period. I like to discuss things and discuss I will, spoilers or not. You decide what you want to read and what you don't. If you spoil it for yourself don't blame me. I honestly don't care if my games are "spoiled". I don't care if someone "spoils" a movie for me. I will still want to experience it for myself because my impression will still be different than theirs. And perhaps they got it all wrong. Consider the source. So forums that have these ridiculous NO SPOILER rules just baffle me. Here's the NO SPOILER section. Here's the SPOILERS ALLOWED section. Um... O... K... Are we going to talk about this game or play Jeopardy? C'mon folks. Alec, I'll take SPOILERS for 400. Having hampering rules like no spoilers is just asking for... well... SPOILERS! What is to stop someone that doesn't want their game spoiled from clicking the section that let's people spoil game events at will? Hmmm? Nothing you say? Exactly. And if they're searching the forums for help, well... it's likely going to find you the most useful information in the spoiler forum. Go figure. I'm evil enough that I'll run around posting spoilers in random places because I CAN. Nothing is stopping me from doing it. Ban me you say? Eh, whatever. I tend to expend my energy worrying about and solving REAL problems. I give a crap less whether or not some snot-nosed brat tells me my character dies at the end. Duh, the best characters always die at the end, if they're not already dead to begin with. Just play your role and shutup. I guess what I'm trying to say is people shouldn't take games seriously. It's... a... game. And if it has become your life instead of living your real life then... find a good therapist. My life sucks as much as the next person's but I never forget who I am, what is real and what isn't. So feel free to spoil my day, but don't play with fire unless you're willing to get burned.

TGIF. I just needed to complain about something meaningless. It makes real life seem less drab.

"Temptation lies in the forbidden."

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