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Yes, I must keep sharing my tales and adventures from my game. I have so much more fun now that there is actually a reason to leave the house and watch other sims. It was eh, OK, before. Hanging out on the street corners, playing chess in the park, loitering in front of the theater, hissing at the bad art in the museums, mourning the lost and meeting new friends from the other side. You know, all that jazz that happens downtown a small midwestern town, uh, sort of. Let's face it though, it was BORING! Life in Sunset Valley was so gay I had gag reflexes for weeks. I wanted to jazz up life so much. I was really bummed when the first EP wasn't the fun one. I'm happy now. Hopefully more good stuff is to come. (Like a really easy and nice way to make L and U shaped stairs without resorting to building cheats. I hate having stuff between floors.)
Anyway, I wanted to share something I found at my favorite site for house plans, Dream Home Source. Hee, hee, they found me. I dunno how, but they found me! I noticed an ad in the sidebar for Sims 3 Late Night. Someone has been paying attention to the build addicts. Now you're probably wondering, and just what were you doing at a house plan site macgirl? Well, it's not like there's porn to look at. Sheesh. I was actually looking for a modern/contemporary house plan to fill the odd sized lot in Bridgeport, on snob hill. It's 40 something x 30 something. I don't really have anything for a WIDE lot so I went and found a plan. This style of home isn't my intuitive style so I really need some inspiration to get a lot like this done. I wanted something modern but with room for a family. There isn't much in Bridgeport large enough to raise a family. Heck, most of the housing isn't even big enough for 2 sims. I have a hard time making any of those existing lots feel homey. They're kind of sterile and disturbing, sort of. So you should see a lot for Bridgeport coming soon. I hope. I have to pull myself away from my awesome vampire sim and be productive.
Now, onto the game. I am wondering where the Change Name option went at City Hall. My slightly mentally disabled game decided to give my vampire his wife's name when they got married instead of her receiving his. He proposed and initiated the wedding sequence. I don't get it. And it's a retarded name too. Seriously, I spent hours doing name research to develop a good last name for him. (Name stuff is another hobby of mine born from the ceaseless need for sim names. No, they're not A, B, and XYZ. Everyone is not named Bob.) I tried to get his name changed last night while playing and the option was never available. It's just not there any more. POOF! Just when I need it too. And just by getting married he got 2 star status and his wife hit 3. There was this big impressive concert of sim achievement music and glittering stars going on. I thought something exploded. Nah, they just got famous. Or infamous. His wife constantly has the 3 day negative moodlet for rumors. *GASP* She's been woohooing with an occult! I can't believe they're looking in their windows. They are! I caught them. Eeewww... that's just nasty. Makes me want to move the bedroom to the basement. Give them some privacy. It's not like they're doing it in the proverbial elevator for all the world to see. Sheesh. Nobody has said a peep about my vamp's repeated raids on Mike's Cornerstore for plasma fruit. I just refuse to pay for it. He's working on his gardening skill so he can grow his own, but for now he has to raid the store and scare innocent babies. He has such fun doing it though. So really the only rumor going around about them is the woohoo one. Hey, I can't help it the man's desire can't be sated. If I don't tell them to do it they just do it on their own. Don't yours? Mine do. I tell you, if I leave my older sims alone for a second they're hittin' the sheets. And skinny dipping! The man is obsessed with skinny dipping. Everywhere. If there is a puddle of water around he's naked. STOP THAT! Get back in this house this instant Mister! No woohoo for you!
Ahem, so I hired a butler for them. Mrs. Vamp wanted one. I got a chick. I didn't know butlers could be chicks. She's not an old fart either. She's like their best friend. They interact with her all the time. For some reason the Mrs. is as obsessed with playing catch with the butler as her hubby is about being naked constantly. He'll be over in the hot tub, naked, of course, and they'll be playing catch right next to him. It seems a tad... odd to me. With the baby now he has to control his urges better. He still gets the urges all the time but Mwhahahahahahahaha, the clothes must stay on. I suppose he'll start sneaking out of the house to go downtown and cheat on his hot tub. For shame. He doesn't even have the party animal trait. Hrm... maybe he needs therapy. And I assigned that stupid butler a bed and she just tries them all out. I never know where she is. And does she use the private bath I gave her and decorated so nicely for her? NO! She bathes anywhere. At random times. And it's really weird when your butler walks around the lot taking pictures of you constantly and spazzing because you're famous. Um, you're the butler, chill. You wash my underwear for Pete's sake.
Oh! Oh! And I took my vamp to the cemetery. I thought he'd like it. He found a vampire eye. Ew. It's a rock but how nasty is that? Taking a stroll through the cemetery, visiting the relatives, and stumble across an eyeball sitting in the grass. Tad gross. I find it funny though that my vamp goes downstairs and sleeps on the vampire bed there and tends bar. Noone shows up but he makes money. ??? Ya got me. I'm such a mom at times. I always yell at him when he uses the bed. Get off of there! What do you think you're doing? You don't know who's used that!
Well, OK, I suppose I should go. I have some lots to build. And some fruit to steal, er, raid.