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It's in the Genes

So... lovely weekend. I did start that lot for Bridgeport. It's coming along nicely. The exterior is done and a few areas of the interior. This is the hard part though. Decorating the inside. Making it all warm and fuzzy. Transforming it into a home your sims would want to live in, and maybe die in. LOL The floorplans actually included an elevator so I installed one. It also has two separate staircases so your sims will have options for getting upstairs. My sims tend to avoid all elevators when given a choice. But ya know, if you're a rich sim and have a spare corner or two in your mansion, why not install an elevator? I hope to get the lot done this week. I don't know how long it will take me. It's a monster. I guess you'll just have to keep your peepers peeped for a new lot.

I had to play my vampire sim this weekend. I just HAD to. LOL He's so much fun even if he won't behave himself. His son aged up to child this weekend. Hrm... vampire children are spooky looking. The shiny eyes as a toddler were a tad creepy. Made me think of robot toddlers. When he aged to child though he got the pasty skin too. So now he's unhealthy looking. He's blonde, which is just wrong for a vampire to begin with, has the shiny eyes still, but his skin is an icky grey color. He had darker skin than his dad and I guess when the pasty overlay gets applied it doesn't look all that hot. My sim I made looks fine as a vampire but he started with pasty skin. I did see a vampire downtown that had almost purplish skin. He must've had dark skin before. That's my guess. Anyway, I threw a party for the kid. Just like Sims 2 days. The poor kid. I had to fix his wardrobe right away. The game put him in a hoodie with pink short shorts and pink sneakers. How embarrassing. His favorite color is black, just like dad, so he got some black added to his duds. Nothing freaky looking, but at least he ain't decked out in PINK now. Everyone enjoyed cake and music and there were quite a few extra guests I had never seen before. The party was a smash and everyone went home entertained and happy.

The kid wanted to learn the writing skill right off the bat. I put him to work on his laptop and within 5 minutes he had maxed out the skill. Unbelievable. He skilled up so fast the pop up bubbles had trouble keeping up with him. Is the vampire skill boost really that good? His dad did pick up gardening rather quickly but he doesn't seem to excel at anything else. Oh, except Charisma. He picks that up insanely quick. But the kid's mom learns so slow frozen molasses moving uphill in January would best her. Homework seemed too quick too. Hey, not complaining, but it seems unfair. Who the heck wants normal sims now?

Also, one of my sims did the nasty green puke thing at the party. None of my sims have ever done that. My vamp's wife did it though just before she went to kiss him (eeewww). Morrigan came to the party and she had just complimented her on the house. Everyone says how wonderful the party was and heads for the door. As Morrigan passes my sim opened her mouth and green puke poured out. No sound or oomf behind it. I've had my guy read minds and make chicks think about him but noone has puked, ever. Noone has even puked at my guy. They puke in other directions or at people or while having a conversation with an NPC, never interacting with him. Hmph. So what gives? His wife is still normal. She never pukes around him. And before he was a vampire he was always being hunted, had the moodlet etc, and he never puked. Didn't puke interacting around numerous vampires the night he was bitten. Huh. Actually, my vamp has never puked at all, even before turning. I haven't figured out the cause yet. Most odd. And gross.

Has anyone else noticed how needy the babies have become? The social need is never satisfied and it depletes rapidly. C'mon, you can only do so much to keep them happy. Play with and snuggle don't get very far now. I suppose sims could just stand around constantly shaking their babies but that's ignorant. Maybe it's vampire babies? My vamp's son was like that and his daughter is like that and I think she might be a vampire. She's ready to age up to toddler so I'll find out soon. If so then that's 2 for 2 with only a 50% chance, supposedly.

I guess nothing funny to share. I spent so much time building that I didn't play a lot. But I did make a lot of observations in the little time I did play. I'm not feeling very funny today anyway. I'm bummed for some reason. Sounds like a good reason to take off work and play video games.

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