Weather Advisory
Good grief. It's only December 3rd and we've already got a Winter Weathery Advisory here. Yep. We're supposed to get dumped on tomorrow. From midnight tonight til midnight tomorrow. Some 18 hour storm or what not. Oh yea rah. I live in Northern Illinois, North Central Illinois if you really want to be picky. Believe me, we are around here. LOL The weather here absolutely sucks all the time. We go from 110 in the shade to -40 in the sun. And don't forget the ceaseless wind. We all walk sideways here to compensate for the wind. And of course it's worse in winter. Schools get snow days and heat days here. Sometimes it's 20 in the morning and then 80 by lunchtime. How many seasons do you want in one day? OK, enough whining about the weather.
Anyway, the reason I moaned was maybe I'll get snowed in this weekend and be able to work on a lot. LOL IF I keep power. That's a fat IF. I hope to relocate in the next few years. I'm saving up. I was born here so I've been stuck here all my life. I hope to see that change.
So I updated my game and loaded a house to see what all got screwed up. Yep, just as I thought. The butler's car is still there and the butler is deleted. Nice guys. Totally expected it. But I can't cancel the service or hire a new one. The game still thinks she's there even though she went poof. I said screw it and hired a maid to do the cleaning. My family can do the rest. I'm so anal about making my sims responsible my butlers never have much to do anyway, but they sure are nice when there's a baby around and you want to focus on someone else for a change. Just a thought.
My cc still works so no biggie there. I wasn't having half the problems mentioned as fixed so there really wasn't anything to notice as being different.
As you can tell I'm in a rather foul mood today. At least I'm going out with friends tonight and plan to gorge myself with really good food. I can tell I'll hit Dragon Age running again tonight. I can't seem to get my frustration and anger out of my system but I am holding back the urge to build. LOL I've had it for a couple days but I still want to play Dragon Age. I'll stop when I get to one of the sucky parts. And there are many. Some stupid stuff I just don't have the patience to tolerate any more. I've got my save file for Dragon Age II already so I don't care how I play now. It's just a stress release. If I don't want to save the dwarves in Orzammar because it reminds me of Ironforge in World of Warcraft, and is just as ugly, I don't have to. Mwhahahahahahahaha. Dragon Age has way better mages... rogues... and warriors than WoW. WAY better warriors. LOL WoW over complicates everything and it totally kills any ounce of fun one may have had playing. I don't play well with others though. I hate group work. And I'll be damned if I'll trust my life in the hands of some snot-nosed 9 year old brat that thinks they can heal. And then again, I don't HAVE to heal you either. *evil grin* If you're not the tank, my priest pretends you don't exist. At least I'm good at what I do, er, did. I always hated the players that claim to have picked the priest class because "I want to help people". It's not about helping people boy! It's about making complete losers feel like they're way better than they really are and winning, without getting credit for any of it. LOL Right, you be bad man. You didn't lose an ounce of health during that 3 hour dungeon. *cough* thank the priest *cough* Oh don't mind me. I'll take the rear. I can see you better when you die from doing something stupid before I resurrect your sorry butt, again.
Sorry, I'm bitter. The things I do for my kid. Yeah, I played with my kid, and ended up being a foster mother to every teen boy with a headset. I... I... don't want to talk about it.
So, back to sims. I plan to get back to playing again. I might have to start over for some since the patch caused major borkage, but eh, whatever. I like starting over. But I'll go back to dreaming about Cabana Charlie's now... yum...