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Aw, don't be like that...

Another weekend gone. Lately I've been feeling like I haven't had weekends. I think I have just had my fill of family gatherings and performances. My kid has another concert tomorrow night. And the snow dumping we got Friday night/Saturday isn't helping my mood any either. I don't mind the cold at all. I LOVE wearing snuggly clothes and lighting candles and curling up in blankets. It's the heaps of dirty snow everywhere that bum me out. Freshly fallen, untouched snow is pretty. But that lasts for about 5 seconds. Then you have kids tromping through it, dogs peeing in it, trucks shoving it around along with last year's sodding attempt, and just anything and everything to make it dirty, ugly, and rock hard. And anything you don't get cleared freezes and becomes your next hospital visit.

OK, enough whining about my crummy mood and winter. I didn't get to starting a new lot this weekend. I was too busy. I do have the build bug though so I plan to start one tonight, if I have time. Three loads of laundry and a sink full of dirty dishes are calling my name. Ugh. What little time I did spend with the game was loading families and figuring out what the update fixed and what it broke. Well, the only thing I can find that it fixed was the opportunities finally getting linked to the right spots and not some place in Sunset Valley. (for Bridgeport opportunities that is) The butler still leaves the dang car on the road. One of my families is missing their butler but her car is there. Oi. Another family has the butler right where I left her and the car is still there. Oh, wait, something else is fixed. The puking. I started a new Bridgeport to get a new vampire to play. So far no puking at all. I am relieved. I hope my hood stays puke-free.

So you might be wondering why I need a new vampire when I already have a vampire family going. Just because. My first vampire ended up married and now has 6 kids so I never really got to be a baddie of the night with him. He's perfectly happy to stay home with the kids, skinny dip, and woohoo whenever the wife walks by. LOL But their lot has always been buggy. New stuff pops up every time I play it seems. And now that the update deleted their butler yet left her car and the game still thinks she's there, I can't fire her and hire a new one. I'm stuck in butlerless limbo and have a useless vehicle on my lot. So I think it's time to move them out and into a fresh lot and see if that helps. The oldest is a young adult now and my vamp's wife just had a set of twin girls. Oh lucky me. So they have a total of 6 kids all under one roof and plenty of glitches. And, by the way, out of those 6 kids and a normal/vampire sim breed mix, all the kids are vampires. I'm pretty sure the twins are. They're still babies but they have the odd shading that all the other kids had. For a couple that isn't family-oriented at all they sure wanted a lot of kids. They only got a kid when they both had the want. The house is full now but I know if I moved a few out they'd want even more. Thankfully the kids aren't fugly so it's not a bad thing to populate Bridgeport with young vampires. Bridgeport just really isn't a family neighborhood. There isn't room to expand and most of the lots are small. The apartment buildings are annoying. But, whatever, I made a family anyway. So there. Anyway, I'll move this family to a fresh lot and see if their glitches go. If not, they'll probably meet the trash bin. I'll work on keeping my new vampire (have to get him turned first) single for a bit longer and play the darker side of things. I do love my vampires. They're a lot of fun.

My new Bridgeport is coming along. My to-be vampire has a nice place and is seeking a willing vamp to turn him. He's already had a couple romances though and I've only played him for less than a sim week. The game keeps stealing his women on him. Just when I get the relationship to max and am ready to invite them over for the move in opportunity the game assigns them a partner. Seriously. I had this girl prepped and called her over so I could move her in. She says she'll be over in a bit and then another message pops up immediately saying something suddenly came up and she can't come. I check her profile and now she has Alexy as a partner (I checked before I called and she was still single). WHAT? This was the first sim day I played the guy. I took him out on the first day to buy stuff and meet people. He hit it off with her really well. He took her to dinner and dancing. I asked the questions, she was single and unemployed. The NEXT morning I invited her over and got the stupid message. Was that really necessary? The game needs to stop meddling with my relationships. It does this a lot. What? I just wasn't moving fast enough for it? I should just pop the question after greeting someone? What?! Ridiculous. She didn't even have a chance to meet anyone else. She was with my sim the whole first day. He snagged her when she got out of a taxi in the morning. They talked all day on the sidewalk and then went to dinner and both went home in the red for sleep. They never ever met anyone named Alexy the whole time. In fact, she never talked to another sim the whole time. So unfair! Stupid game!

I haven't really explained my title yet. LOL Another one of this sim's romances is with Sugar Bijou. Usually she's dancing on tables with him. They hit it off outside the diner and then the next morning I called her over. Considered moving her in. He wanted to cuddle in the hot tub with her, skinny dip with her, hug her, what not. So since she's a party animal I figured I try the skinny dip thing for fun. Sims are so cute when they skinny dip. They get so excited. The pixelation must tickle. LOL Anyway, he asked her to go skinny dipping and she was all fine, well, and good with it. Just before she enters the house she turns around and leaves with a message of "someone in this group has some unresolved issues to deal with" and then she goes on to tell him how much she really, really, really likes hanging out with him and would he please, please call her again. What? Issues? You get invited to skinny dip with your main squeeze and get cold feet? My sim got the rude guest negative moodlet from it. I'd say so. How rude! Fine, just leave. I didn't want to move you in anyway. Why don't you go find Alexy while you're dealing with your issues! It was just... weird. I guess I'll just get on with his life and go find that vampire to bite him. Sheesh.

I've had this relationship stealing happen with all my sims. I'm getting quite tired of the game's meddling. It's especially annoying when you know that sim hasn't met anyone else and you've got a max relationship with the little heart and everything. Then it just assigns them some random yahoo? Jerks. I've actually started seeding my hoods with 6 or more singles so my sims have a bigger chance of finding someone before the game steals them. They usually give them someone they never even met before too, which is just BS.

Bah, I'm still grumpy.

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