Holiday Wishes & Warm Fuzzies
You all make me feel warm inside with your holiday wishes. We're definitely having a white Christmas here in Northern Illinois. Any of you wishing for one, well, I hope you get some. Unless, of course, you live someplace snow doesn't go. Hmmm... the thought... no snow... I could get used to that... Anyway, I send holiday greetings and well wishes out to you all. I live alone now and my son is 16 so there's no fuss and flurry for little ones any more. It's just nice to be remembered.
I also appreciate your comments and thanks on my creations. I can't believe I have over 10,000 pageviews now, more than 2500 thank yous, and beyond 75,000 downloads. It all seems big to me. I do wish I had more time to spend on creating and to be on TSR. Alas, those jobs. I get a little break over the holidays. A few extra days off. I need the break as I've been putting in overtime and wrapping up some huge projects recently at work. I just need the job to go away for awhile.
This isn't as warm has holiday greetings, but it's good news nonetheless. I've started my next lot for Bridgeport. The shell is there and the exterior looks dynamite. Now the really hard part. Interior decorating. LOL Decisions, decisions.
I just wanted to drop in to wish you all a happy holiday season and let you know that I'm still creating, just more slowly lately. It's all good.