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Back with the Living

Hi all. I know I've been kind of quiet for awhile. Until the recent blizzard life was kind of blah and uneventful. I am finally over the flu. We had a blizzard here last week and my college (I work at a college) was closed for 3 1/2 days. Mother Nature and the cooties apparently met prior to the snow onslaught because I was down with a rotten string of flu the entire time! Bleh! After a week I'm finally back at work and feel like I'll live. Sheesh. Much to my dismay I didn't get around to doing anything really, except sleeping and blowing my nose, popping meds, etc.

I still plan to do a cabin for Bridgeport but since Outdoor Stuff was on the doorstep I held off until I got that going. Then I got sick, and, well, you know how it goes. I have fiddled with the new stuff a bit. I thought there would be more in this stuff pack. Like family stuff. Activities, etc. The clothes for the ladies are cute. I haven't really checked out the guys yet. So I'm a bit bummed about this stuff pack. Not that I was terribly excited to begin with, but I did think there would be more meat to it.

Let's see... what else... oh, Dragon Age 2 will be here soon. The demo comes out Feb. 22. What that means is sims will probably fall by the wayside for a bit while I decide if I like this new installation or not. Sequels tend to be really good, or really bad. I'm not holding my breath. LOL The huge disappointments and epic fails that were Final Fantasy X-2 and Xenosaga II have scarred my mind forever. Oh, Dark Cloud 2 was a let down too. And I'm sure there are many, many, many others I just can't think of at the moment but they're there, darkening the corners of my mind with their tainted, evil experiences. Many more bad sequels than good. I know it's a matter of opinion. Sims Medieval is due in March too so that will take me away from Sims 3. I'll always come back. Probably sooner than I think. Somehow I don't think I'll be playing Dragon Age 2 for a solid year straight. I actually only stopped playing Dragon Age: Origins because I know I have to let all that go for the sequel (because, you know, it's not really a sequel (just a different game with the same name, but not a true sequel), at least I don't see it that way (if it was really a sequel I'd be loading up my stud of a Grey Warden and continue on with his buttkicking and they wouldn't have mucked with the graphics and enemies and storyline and... I'll stop) to dull the disappointment. LOL I'm such a ray of sunshine.

And you guys are all sitting there laughing at me. "Whatever macgirl." I should've outgrown video games ages ago but it's really the only thing that holds my interest as a hobby. And I rate pretty cool among my son's friends since I'm a gaming Mom and kick their butts nicely on occasion. Keep them in line ya know. Old fart I am not. Although, don't put an FPS in front of me. I'll nod off in a heartbeat. You won't even get me past the lame 20 minute intro cinematic. I loathe FPS games. Just what I want to do, experience everything through tunnel vision and a... hand. Woohoo. Hold me back. I'm gonna go crazy. The realism is so... so... not real.

OK, I'll quit my prattling and hopefully in the near future I'll bring you another lot. I'm grumpy. I think I need chocolate.

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