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macgirlffx's Blog

Do I know you?

So... do any of you care about my first take on Late Night? Well, if you don't, too bad. You're here for a reason. I'm gonna babble for awhile. If anything, I'll make you laugh.

OK, so my copy of Late Night arrives yesterday and I get it all installed and we're happy. I put my sim I made to test out Late Night into one of the apartment complexes. There ain't much real estate to be had in Bridgeport so I guess family sims will have to be disappointed. Most apartments and homes are cracker boxes. Not even decent for a single sim, but whatever. Anyway, I get him moved in and immediately run out to take in a play at the cineplex. A little bubble popped up saying my sim would like it... blah, blah, blah. So much for not finding vampires during the day or easily. Broad daylight. Playing the game for like 5 minutes, first stop, two vampires walk up. The sparks and smoke sort of gave them away. The black and red clothes were another clue. And if you got really close, you peed your pants when you looked into their queasy eyes. I did introductions but didn't keep them long chatting. I mean, afterall, they were smoking and the smell of burnt hair isn't nice. It's only polite. There were some celebs hanging out too in front. Like... 8? So much for not finding celebs anywhere but the posh places too. They were pricks. Do I know you? Maybe you should come back when you can impress me. Up yours buddy. Not impressed with the celebs, but never was. Sims 1, 2, and 3. Then some grandma pulls a piano out of her butt and starts jamming right there on the sidewalk. Everyone went nuts. Dancing, clapping, whistling... and there they stayed. I ran off to a bar and the bookstore. Did the taxi and subway, yah dah.

I'll get this out of the way because I just have to. If you don't know me you won't be aware of my rampant distaste for trendy jeans. No bootcuts, bellbottoms, low rise, baggy butt jeans for me. I just want normal jeans, timeless jeans, jeans that hang the way they should and be pulled up to the waist. That sort of stuff. I'm not into crack or ripped ragged edges because they drag on the ground. Anyway, the women have always had a set of normal jeans. Since the base. Yahoo! I was so happy. But the guys didn't. Ugly huge belt buckles, baggies, hi-waters, ripped, stained, bad textures, flares, whatever. Aha! I was THE happiest girl in the world last night when I was dressing my sim. Woot! First thing in the pants window. NORMAL JEANS! For the love of God and all that's holy! Normal friggin' jeans! No ragged edges, no stupid cuts, no ugly belt buckles. Just awesome normal jeans. There are some really sweet threads in Late Night for guys. I am very pleased. I made a male sim so I didn't check out the chick stuff yet. I was like yelling and hooting and just going nuts at my computer. My neighbors probably thought somebody was killing me. They weren't home thankfully. Ok, I'm better. Just wanted to get that out there.

I swear every woman has had a boob job in Bridgeport. The boob meter was sorely needed and I am quite happy to adjust all my female sims that need it so they're more balanced. I refuse to make skinny chicks that look like little boys when they wear a swimsuit. C'mon, you've GOT to have something. Now even my skinny chicks have some curves and look like girls. I don't really get into the big, bulging, bowling ball things. If you want that, fine. It's unnatural as heck, but who am I? Bridgeport is full of bowling balls. And... and... this is as important to me as the jeans for guys. THE 6 PACK IS BACK! I was also hooting over that. I was so, so, so disappointed when no matter how hard I worked my male sims they never got ripped. The blank surface around their belly button baffled me. A real person without a six pack doesn't even look that pathetic. So now I can tweak all my guys with the muscle definition slider to have a shadow of a six pack or a full blown ripped physique. I don't like the ripped look but I do like them to look fit and the oddly barren tummy area will give me nightmares no more! MUCH better for swimming. God. The humanity. And here is something... random I guess. I had my guy make use of a urinal. Didn't think anything would happen and I normally don't watch my sims go pee pee. I'm glad I watched though because I got a grand giggle out of the guy whistling while he peed! OMG! He looks around, at the ceiling, side to side, and whistles while he works... so to speak. I thought it was a nice touch.

I do have some complaints. Not many, so far, but some. Is it just me, or does it take an inordinate amount of time to get anywhere in Bridgeport? I guess I need to give my guy a crotch rocket because this taxi and subway crap is for the birds. It's slow as heck! The elevators stink. Just as slow as they've ever been. I could drag myself up stairs faster. But you know how it is, always gotta have some useful object be the target of woohoo. So we have hot tubs back and... crappy elevators.

All in all I'm really happy with the EP. It's got great stuff and improves a few things that needed dire attention. The travel thing. That needs to be fixed. It's the main reason I refuse to go to China. I don't want to spend my trip walking up one hill and down the other. Lame. And now Bridgeport is a prime example with my sim taking a taxi, stopping to get out, taking the subway, popping out only to get in yet another taxi and eventually, many hours later, he gets to someplace before it closes. And... he could've gotten there with JUST the taxi in the first place. Oi. If you had Nightlife you'll feel right at home.

Back to Work

Alas, I sit here on my lunch hour, listening to my freezer meal thaw in the inadequate device we call a microwave here. It can't even pop popcorn. It's pathetic. But, it does heat up my lunches so I guess I can't complain too much. My vacation is over and I'm back to work. *sniffle*

While taking a break, however, I started a sim for the sole purpose of checking out the firefighter profession. I'm gettin' around to making sims with one goal in mind to delve into the aspects of the game more thoroughly. So this guy was made for fighting fires and being all studly. Grrrrrr. Just like my adventure sim, it wasn't long before a girl caught his eye despite his time consuming career. It actually worked out well. They ran off to France (she wanted to go) for the proposal and wedding like most of my sims. I just like it, so there. Um... oh yeah, she stays home so he can run off at all hours saving ignorant sims that play with matches. They just had their first baby. OMG is he CUTE! I really should upload my sims. Fantastic babies! Anyway, the hours for this job are fab and he ran up the ladder like his own butt was on fire. I was at the top of the career in no time. Never have I had such an easy time. He's gotten all sorts of awards, telephone calls thanking him, his own fire engine and alarm for home, and countless other perks. I'm waiting to see if the hidden firefighter trait shows up in his offspring. They'll have lots so I hope at least one gets it. Oh, was that a spoiler? Too bad.

Anyway, the reason I started to go on about this sim is I put him and his gal in my Ayesleigh lot. Good thing too. That fire engine fills up the driveway nicely. I made some minor structural changes so the roof would be better. It gave me a headache making the lot and it still bothers me. So I liked what I did, change some fixtures, colorschemes, exterior colors, and landscaping. Basically I added my own magic touch to the lot. I've said it before and I'll say it again, my first attempt usually follows the floorplans I picked out closely and if there is an exterior photo I'll match that too. Then the good part comes once I get in the game and start living in the lot. I find all these ways to hopefully make it even better. So then I do a more developed version. I haven't done my version of Ayesleigh yet and I think that might be up next. I've played in the lot before but never got inspired to improve it. Must've been my vacation this time. I noticed my creativity level skyrocketed once I got out of the office. Just one more reason to quit. I need to figure out what to do for money first.

I've also come across some plans that have some odd, but neat, features. I thought the open staircase to the basement in the floorplans of my Eleanor lot was unusual. The lot is mediocre otherwise. Just a small house, nicely done, but that one feature intrigued me. Most odd. So maybe some lots will come through that offer some odd features. My problem is time, as always.

I have been reading comments left on my creations. I thank everyone for those. I can't remember who I've responded to and who I haven't so I'll just have to give a lump sum of gratitude for now. It's so embarrassing.

I better go. Got work to do ya know.


Yes, Landra is up and ready for downloading. I think it's the last of my small lot floorplans. If I find more I'll surely do them. I really think this one came out well. For such a small lot it offers enough space for a family. You can always lop on another floor or build out a breezeway in back to add in some basement stairs. There's room in the yard for a garage if you want one. Instead of a color theme I stuck with neutrals and earthtones. No pink or blue. A little yellow in the master bedroom but that sort of falls into the earthtone category for me. Maybe you think the wallpaper and floors are garish. I was experimenting with the palettes and colors. I like to find uses for the ugly stuff EA gives us. I mean really, would you put those patterns in your house in their original colorschemes? God no! Some are completely worthless but some are worth fussing with to get a decent color palette so they can be used and not make your eyes bleed.

Alas, my vacation is almost over. Today is officially it. Then the weekend and I'm back to the grind on Monday. I thought I'd have time to create more but I was out and about a lot more than I planned and the weather has been so nice. A rarity for Northern Illinois. We actually HAD fall this year. Oftentimes we only have two seasons here. Winter and summer. And it's not odd to have them both in the same day. I'm not kidding. Just a week or so ago we were swinging 40 to 50 degrees during the day. 30s in the morning with frost and 80s by early afternoon. You actually have to dress for two seasons. It stinks. You do have to follow the weather here closely because it is so odd. The farmers have been blessed with a beautiful harvest this year and I do hope they get their pokey butts off my roadways soon.

Ah, as for future plans... I dunno. I had really hoped to start on patterns over my vacation but it didn't happen. Nor did creating worlds. I want to dabble in that too. Sure, I can download what others have done, but I wanna learn to do it myself! That's just how I am. I crave to learn new things and you can't really gripe about something authentically unless you've experienced it yourself. I'll keep doing lots of course. That's my forte anyway. Always has been. Someday I hope to do a really fancy, impressive, impractical lot that will never be used because it's too ornate and messed up architecturally to actually use. That's so not me. If I'm not going to use it I don't make it. Period. If I had time to kill, to really explore building mechanics, eh, maybe. But I have to choose between throwing caution to the wind and making something that will be useful in my game with the limited free time I have. And honestly, EA provides me with more than enough stuff to just sit in my hood and look at. I can at least save the planet and give everyone something useful. Call me crazy. I know, I'm such the rebel. *eyeroll*

I guess I'll leave you for now. I don't have much to say that would interest you and I'd rather be playing. I started a firefighter sim the other day and he's been a blast. Woo! Woo! Woo!

Taking It Easy

Yes! I'm on vacation and loving it! The weather here has been awesome and I've been out and about enjoying it. I've actually been gone much more than I planned but I still managed to whip up a lot for all you dedicated simmers. I've submitted it so now we just wait to see if it gets approved.

I don't have much to tell. I've been relaxing and going to various family doings and a lot of shopping. Not all fun, but the good outweighs the bad in this case. I've knocked a few things off my To Do list. I thought I'd get more done while I was off but I must be enjoying myself too much. LOL Too bad. I deserve this.

I wish my boss would've picked next week for my vacation so I could have more time to dig into Late Night. Ah well. Hopefully letting her pick when I take off will keep her happy.

I'll let you all think about my new lot and I'm going to get back to being a slug. Aaahhh...

Feeling Uncreative

No new creations from me today. I was kind of bummed all weekend and feeling rather uncreative. I played my game instead and even that didn't cheer me up. Then I tried redecorating a lot for a sim I plan to move in so I don't have to mess with remodeling later. But, I did a few rooms and then just sort of stared at it. No more ideas. I did the exterior and then didn't feel like doing the rest of the interior. I dunno. Guess I had creator's block. I almost made a pattern, but just stared at the screen. *blink* *blink*

I hate when I get in a mood like this. Creative indecision and just the plain old blahs. Four and a half days of work this week and then I'm on vacation. Woot! I hope I shake this mood by then. Maybe as the week progresses I'll get my rhythm back.

So I took my adventure sim to Egypt finally. It's kind of weird catching crocodiles with a fishing pole. Of course catching frogs with a fishing pole is odd too. And jellyfish. I was hoping to jump in the water and wrestle one to shore. Would've made for a much better adventure. I need some for some quest in France. I got almost no loot. Sheesh. Pretty slim pickins. Egypt isn't as annoying as China, but it's boring. The landscape is boring, the people are boring, the quests so far have been boring. I was ready to bomb the place just so there was some activity. Gads. Er, anyway, I bought the good camera and little what nots. Got the obsessive snake charming basket. You'd think sims would have better things to do than obsess over that nasty thing. What? Snake bites are fun now? Joy. Maybe it was just my crappy mood this weekend but I was unimpressed and remembered why I never go there. I stick to France mostly. There are lots of people to talk to, the landscape is pretty, and it's pretty compact. China is OK but I have better things to do with my sims than spend 12 hours trekking up the side of a mountain on a cow path just to see the Temple of Nothing at the top and then spend the rest of the day running all the way back down the mountain. Wow, riveting stuff there. If it wasn't for all the rocks on the way it wouldn't result in anything but a huge waste of time. And let's go see a moldy green army of statues a million miles away from any civilization, also up an extremely large hill, reachable only on foot. Look, a hole in the ground. I think I'll jump in and see if I can at least scare myself on this trip. What I wouldn't give for a shiny gold tiki head and a rolling boulder. There's always the Dragon's Maw. Which reminds me of Aladdin's Cave of Wonders, Onyxia's Lair from World of Warcraft, and possibly Castle Greyskull. By the power of... aw, nevermind.

Bet ya thought I wasn't going to fit any random crap in this time. Ha! There it is. Your random dose of the day. I better go. I'm in a horrible mood. May the powers that be smile on me and prevent me from uttering any other stupid things today.

Lot Update

So... my next lot has been approved. It will be available tomorrow. See, I still build. LOL I just get sidetracked by playing, or decorating, or... you know how it goes. So much fun, so little time to do it.

I'll run off a ditty about my next lot, Eleanor, now. It's another small lot. I stuck with blue for most of the color. I decorated with elegant wallpapers and really nice furniture. Quite classy for some lil missy in your hood. The main floor is kind of ho-hum. You know, bedrooms, kitchen, living room, etc. The norm. The basement is full of fun stuff though and that's also where the laundry and another bathroom are located. I threw some yellow in just for fun. And there is a pink bathroom for the master suite. That's about all the pink I did this time. There isn't much yard left so if you have any outdoor-hating sims this would be perfect. They can play in the basement and avoid all sunshine if they so choose. If you stick it on something larger than the original 20x30 you'll get some green back. I'm pretty pleased with it. It's a cute addition to my hoods.

I think I have one more floorplan picked out for a small lot and then I'll go back to the more exciting stuff. I let my sims have big families usually so I like to build lots that accommodate them. And big lots are more popular than small lots as far as downloading goes. Unfortunately they take me a lot longer to do. It's that decorating thing again. So many options. And I always get lost picking out wall coverings, choosing colorschemes, and trying to get vanilla game stuff to match. I did Eleanor with my CC active and that was HARD. Torture! I'll have to stick to running without CC when I build. It's the only way to keep my sanity. Stiffling I WANT IT! and MUST USE IT! is unbearable.

I had a really nice bit of randomness here and just deleted it. After re-reading my post I thought it might not considered family-friendly. LOL I really need to get my website back up so I can blog about stuff that will make you giggle til you pee.


No, that's not a typo. I've dubbed Mondays as Moanday in my office. I've never really liked Mondays. It's a rough day in the working world. But complaining and moaning about the weekend, your health, not making enough money, the weather, or any other thing that trolls through your life doesn't make it any better. I'm sure I'm not any happier than anyone else to be at work on a Monday, trying to get in the groove again, get the old brain firing on all cylinders. I just don't SAY anything about it. How is that making anything better? Sure, blow off some steam, but then you've passed the misery bug to your co-worker for having to nod and listen to your whining. So it's Moanday and I'm moaning about people moaning on Mondays.

The weekend seemed too short but I had a lot of fun. Somewhere in there I built a new lot. It's almost done. I have a few rooms to finish up and it will be presentable. My son stopped in and I had some spontaneous fun with him. I wasn't in front of my computer as much as I thought I would be, which is a good thing. I'm sure I'll get it finished this week and get all the shots I need to upload it.

I also spent some time with my adventure sim this weekend. He adores his baby boy and lives in his garden. Hey, he loves the outdoors, what can I say? But an odd thing happened. At least I think something happened. On one of his travel pursuits he came across the Leon Magic Gnome. I stuck him in the garden to dress it up. He's been good and stayed in the garden. He just moves around a little now and then. But one morning my sim went out to garden and his bell pepper plant was in horrible shape. Wilted and brown.  Gross. Not totally gone, but almost. It was the only plant in the garden in crappy shape. My sim has mastered the gardening skill so he doesn't stink at this stuff. What I was wondering... do the magic gnomes fart? On this particular morning the gnome was standing in the garden and his butt was towards this plant. Hmmm... I have since been on stakeouts trying to catch dirty little Leon in the act so I can snap a piccie for evidence of the dastardly deed. So far he's behaving and no further traumatized plants. I'll get you one day Leon! *shakes fist* I think it's time to send my sim to explore Egypt. I neglect Egypt. I don't like hot places or sand or sims that impersonate terrorists so I usually don't go. I'll send him. Something different. Maybe he'll find that area's gnome and then Leon will have a playmate.

That's all for now. I'll try to get that lot finished up for you all. Try not to moan too much today. We all know it sucks. Bear with us.

14 Days

My boss has approved my vacation request. Just 14 more days and I'll have 10 days of work-free bliss. That includes weekends btw. What will I spend all that time doing? Sleeping. Cleaning. Simming. Decapitating. LOL Of course I'll sim. I have some closets to clean out first but simming is definitely on the menu, creating and playing. The decapitating part would be Dragon Age. I don't play much now because it's basically over, but I still get the need to kill stuff so I play in spurts to get my fix.

Now I play the waiting game for the next decent RPG to come out, which will be in March next year as Dragon Age 2 and Final Fantasy XIV are slated for release. I haven't played a Final Fantasy since FFX. Uh, yeah, that's why ffx is after macgirl in my user name. Still my all time fav game. I haven't had a twinge of interest in a Final Fantasy game since. I've watched other people play them, read reviews, visited forums, etc. but nah, not interested. FFX was special. I do that with games. I could've never heard of it and I'll walk into a store or see it online and there will be this... this... PING inside me. The ping that means this one's for me. It's a weird sensation. As quick as lightning but the tingly feeling doesn't leave until I get the game. Then it turns into a minor obsession. Honestly, this last ping cycle had lots of dead space until the next one. Final Fantasy X... until... Dragon Age: Origins. Count the years. That is about how infrequently a game that really, really clicks with me comes around. Sims is kind of a hobby to my hobby and I got the ping for it too oh so long ago. It fills in the gaps between the really good stuff. Like snacks. I do play a lot of games but it's the RPGs that I'll replay for months, even years. I don't know if I'll get the ping yet for DA2 or FFXIV but we'll see come next year. But the tingly feeling is there when I watch trailers. That can totally be shattered though if a game company changes something too much between release and trailers. Sometimes they completely botch it and lose me before it's released. Xenosaga had me until Xenosaga 2. Wow, was that a let down. Huge botch job. Way to go Namco. The third game sort of redeemed the series but still fell short. Allen finally got his time in the spotlight so I'm happy. Sad when your favorite character from an RPG is a non-playable character. LOL Come to think of it though, it's like that with Dragon Age. You never play as Fergus or Teagan. They kind of tied. At least in FFX I got to play as Auron. Oh well, enough about my sad little video game life.

I went through my floorplans again and found a few more I'd like to do for smaller lots. The weekend is upon us and I hope to get some building in. It is most odd. I've mentioned this before, but if I play Dragon Age for a blood fix, even briefly, I want to build more. How does that figure? Um... spurting blood and dying gurgles are great fun but I'd rather be building? Weird. Just plain weird. But hey, whatever works, right? I think the next few lots will be sans pink. I've had enough. It will have it's day again but maybe just in a teen girl's room or some other utterly needless frilly zone.

I have considered uploading some sims to share. I make really nice sims. They make good babies and kill ugly genes. It's RAID for sims. But I dunno if anyone would want them. I think I've decided to make a website for my Sims 3 adventures and maybe I'll put some pictures and bios for all my sims. Some are just filler sims. Potential mates since so many of the existing ones aren't salvageable. And some are extra actors to just add some life to the hood. My sims can be pretty quirky too. I don't make everyone perfect. I don't do celeb sims. I have no interest in sims of real world people. I used to play sims of my friends because they wanted me to but it usually ended badly. Well, don't give me control of your lives then. Occasionally I'll make a character from a video game but most of my sims are completely original, out of my head, things.

I fiddled with the pattern tool thing again. I think I might be able to do it. Does anyone else find this tool clumsy and awkward? I guess I'm just used to Adobe software. There are a couple patterns I can think of off the top of my head that I would like to do. I'd use Photoshop but it's on my Mac and I play on my PC and I just don't want to deal with the back and forth of files. I already do that for my lot photos. And once you're used to Adobe stuff, you never go back.

Sorry for the long, drawn out post. Plenty of randomness in there for you people that love randomness. Perhaps you will see something new from me next week. Keep your eyes peeled.

Taking Time To Play

Just when you thought I was back to pumping out lots again I stop. LOL Sorry about that. I'm torn. Play or build. Play or build. I'm sure some of you understand. I've been exploring Barnacle Bay and tomb raiding with my adventure sim. And I couldn't stop. Cuz it was fun, and I made over his house as a log cabin, and we went to China and France, and then he found a woman, and then she moved in, and then they got engaged and went to France for a wedding at the nectary, and now the first kid is on the way... You know how it goes. OK, lame excuse. Maybe I'll start up my website again and post piccies. Then you can SEE what I get up to.

I find myself playing more with Sims 3 than Sims 1 and 2. I don't have to take care of the entire neighborhood myself now. The game does it for me. It isn't up to my high standards of rich, successful, and fulfilling lives and happy children but, eh, somethings gotta give. I do tire of seeding the hoods with my own sims to keep the fugly from running rampant. I tell ya, the kids my sims bring home from school will give you nightmares. Don't drink the water. It's got the ugly gene in it apparently, and the lousy trait gene. And the original starting sims the game puts there ain't nothing to get excited over. And I avoid all sims from the Maxis days. I never liked them in Sims 1, liked them less in Sims 2, and I'm down right sick of them in Sims 3. Barnacle Bay was sweet until the Caliente sisters reared their pig ugly faces in public. (oh, sorry, was that a... SPOILER?!) BAH! They just had to ruin it. OK, OK, I just really dislike other sims in my hoods. I like to make all my own so they're not mutants, don't breed mutants, and don't have lame, contrived little lives I don't want to be a part of. It's just SAD! Don Lothario is such a WEINER in Sims 3. He has a whiney voice, always gets fat but runs around in his workout clothes all the time. He marries the first sim that looks at him. Honestly, save the gene pool, don't put him in the game.

Fine, so I'm crabby. Deal with it. It's just a pet peeve of mine. I enjoyed making my own hoods in Sims 2 from scratch with everything built by me and all the sims by me. I had a website devoted to it. I actually just built in Sims 1. I loved it. I hated playing. After Mortimer Goth burned down the whole town by randomly visiting all the sims and destroying everything he touched I was done. What a loser. The child forever syndrome grated on my nerves. So my son played and I built. It was a fine existence. Then Sims 2 came to be. I was... elated. They age! They actually age! And move out! And... and... LEAVE. I really liked the genetics but Sims 3 has backslid on that. That or I really need to keep track of the mail delivery people better. Sheesh. I had a couple, both made by me, black hair, blue-gray eyes, fair skin, with brown hair, green eyes, and tan skin. Hrm... they had 6 kids. Yes, 6. I filled the house. What're you gonna do about it? Anyway, the third kid, a girl (boy and girl ahead of her), arrived with fair skin (OK), platinum blonde hair (um, no), and... PURPLE eyes. WTH? What? My sim got into some bad watermelon during her pregnancy? Ate too many grapes? What? The rest of the kids all resembled the parents quite a bit with a mix of the genes. Except THAT one. It looked like in the middle of their family they... picked up a stray? I never did look at the postal carrier. Huh. Beautiful family with a friggin albino.

OK, whatever. I'm just rambling. I feel like talking to myself. I'll get back to building. I promise. I have some more plans for small lots and then I'll most likely return to my normal size.

New Me

No, nothing new about me. I haven't been born again or anything life altering like that. I'm talking about the sim me. I'm sure you've all noticed my cookie avatar is gone and my Sims 3 me now smiles at you. I figured there was enough cookie action goin' on in the header. Besides, I'm cute. I hear I'm extremely cuddly too. It's the 4th version of me I think, give or take a couple. I think I finally got it satisfactory. The highlights aren't right. I have platinum streaks in my hair but they're thicker and not as many as the game highlights. Ah well. You can't have everything. Like bangs. LOL

I've been sifting through floorplans again looking for my next inspiration. I'm still trying to stick with small lots for now. Just something different. I don't really like it. I cut it awfully close at times. I like my sims to be able to add on if need be and have some yard to play in. Mine happen to love, love, LOVE Sim Gnubb so there is always a set in the yard just so they'll quit wanting it. At least they're home where I can see them and know what they're up to. It's not safe to let them wander about town on their own, assaulting neighbors with funny faces and flirting with all the wrong people. So, so wrong.

Uh, anyway, back to lots (I derailed myself). I think I'll stay away from pink now. I've done enough. My pink fix is good for 10 more years. Well, there might be a nursery or hot pink bikini in the mix but for the most part, no pink. Yellow. I need to do something in yellow. It's my favorite color and everyone else in the world hates it, I swear. Before you know it I'll be back to manly man lots since I tend to favor bold and dark colors. Not that all guys like those colors but you just don't see men in pastels too often. It's not the 80s for Pete's sake. (don't forget the cute sweater knotted around the neck and feathered hair)

I'll sign off for now. Just thought I'd check in to make your day. Don't laugh too hard.

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Do I know you? Back to Work Landra Taking It Easy Feeling Uncreative Lot Update Moanday 14 Days Taking Time To Play New Me
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    By Artist Name
    Published November 15, 2022 •
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