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mannutibi's Guestbook

-IzzY-Dec 27, 2006

Good! Now you can play pets again! I love that theyre having pets, just not when they pee in the house. -.- hehe. I love linkies! \:P I must say they all look very women to me.. but i guess the right one is a man? Or am i mistaken? And this might be going to bother you ... but yes.. GREAT PICTURE! bout time i saw one again! haha. bye! x

bflosweethartDec 27, 2006

Hello how are you liked the different picher.\:wub\:

-IzzY-Dec 27, 2006

Not studying and still be on top of the class! How DO you do it! i never studied either but well yes, i was one of the worste haha. Well.. DVD and CD look alot alike.. theyre both.. round. anyways, hope you got the right version now! AND YES! I want more spam! well with that i mean your pictures/screenshots! :P

-IzzY-Dec 25, 2006

Thanks! Of course i didnt forget you! (AND your great pictures :P) anyways, been busy with work.. and stuff.. all boring! haha. but now i got like 10 days off, so that good \:D And you? how have you been? See you havent uploaded many pictures \:o How dare you! haha, just joking!

-IzzY-Dec 25, 2006

Hi! long time no see! \:D Hope you're doing ok! Just came by to wish you a merry christmas! & of course a happy newyear! Bye!

little_kagomeDec 25, 2006

I'll make a deal then with ya considering you are just so down right awesome! If you want too enter anything in, feel free to e-mail it to me ANYWAYZ and I'll forget the member thingy. It's alright, really. I love your work anyway. And I know I might make mistakes in my writing, but I mean I do my short stories on the spur of the moment. ^_^

little_kagomeDec 17, 2006

Ooo ooo ooo!!!! GREAT NEWS!!! I just made another short story. I got motivation from this one guy's myspace page you see. I don't know who he is, but for some reason he is on my friend's list and he has a bunch of anime pictures and he always seems so mysterious and stuff. So that just made me want to write something. So I did. You can find it on my site. ^_^

little_kagomeDec 17, 2006

OMG I almost forgot, did I tell you I wrote a book and got it published? I think I did, but I can't remember. \:confused\:

little_kagomeDec 17, 2006

How do you think I feel when I get a message from you eh? Yeah, so anywayz, I am trying really hard to put more stuff on the site. *sigh* So far no members. Its okay though, because it is brand spanking new after all. *sigh* Oh my my, I wrote that story though a while back. Like I think my freshman year. I'm not tooooooo sure. Oh wellzy well. Thanks though for checking it out. And letting me know what you thought. ^_^ Ya know recently I am playing FFX and I haven't played it in such a long time, and I'm getting all into again like I did the first time. I guess if you don't play something for awhile it's almost brand new to you again. Eh? ^_^

urrniuDec 16, 2006

nu mida sa tahad????????

Angel275Dec 13, 2006

Hey, do you have a favourite screenshot of my screenshots?

little_kagomeDec 11, 2006

Hey, yeah, I've been playing a lot again and also been working on some other projects. I do not have any short stories going right now, I think I will work on THOSE when break gets here in like 2 more weeks, when I wont have to worry about getting my end of the semester grades up and well otherwise I did finish a website. Check it out, its not too bad if I do say so myself. ^_^ (I have a small side job of creating websites, I make my own on a free basis because I don't mind the extra title in the URL and I don't mind ads. But I do help others make websites, for a small price. >_< )

Angel275Dec 10, 2006

Nice screenshots as I said - I adore the Hypocrisy (spelling?) shot!

little_kagomeDec 2, 2006

i wouldn't know on the werewolves. Since of course I haven't seen any yet. *sigh* But after awhile, I'm sure one will come along. ^_^

urrniuNov 25, 2006

nu mida sa vingud`?

little_kagomeNov 21, 2006

Well, I fixed a few things and got rid of some programs I didn't use and some corrupt files in my game, so it is running smoothly now. The animals are just sooooo darn CUTE!!! I love them to bits, and there isn't too much complaint. Because I mean when training them and such, you have fun while training them tricks, they are wonderful little friends. Also when you need them to learn not to do bad things, you should just praise them as often as possible when they do the opposite. Like when they are being nice or are staying off sim beds or whatever it is you want them to do ya know? So nothing but some good praise here. Also if you have open for business it just gives you that many more business ideas. Ya know? ^_^

little_kagomeNov 20, 2006

OMFG Yeah, the Pets expansion pack is rather lovely. I bought it recently and I think you will highly enjoy it. Maybe ask for an early christmas present? ^_^ Yeah. \:P

SMS2000Nov 20, 2006

Thank you very much for this nice comment \:wub\:

little_kagomeNov 20, 2006

Well it is just a novelette. So yeah, it really wouldn't be that long ya know? But yeah, nothing too much, just been really been busy with school and stuff ya know? I finally am getting back to some gameplay in my sims world which is good. And um, well, been reading a lot too. I mean a lot. I'm actually reading like 3 books at one time here. One of which I am really into, another I just have always wanted to read, and the last one is for my english class. So yeah. ^_^ Busy busy, and I will be busy yet again this week because I have to go to see my grandparents and friends back at my old home town this week. Should be fun and I will be trying to get updates on stuff to certain people on the net ya know? ^_^ How is life for you eh?

little_kagomeNov 20, 2006

Hey I wrote a book. I got it published. You should check it out. I mean there is a free preview anywayz. Ya know? ^_^ Yeah. and the title is "Quiet Thoughts Lost Dreams" so I need to work on a good little sim story. Maybe I will do a full out book thing for the sims...or something. I dunno. I'll think about it. I'll get back to you when I get that sim story together. ~Ivy

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