Lace Sets will be perfect for the Glamour Life Pack!
As I stated in my last blog entry I started Graphic Design school on August 2nd. I had forgotten about the amount of time needed to go to college. When I graduated from X-RAY school 23 years ago I was still young and energetic, heck I was only 28 years old with all my future ahead of me. Now I'm 51, with a lot of my life behind me, a serious lack of energy and a pain level that is sky high. Oh, I'm NOT giving up, don't get me's just a lot harder being able to do it all like I used to.
Which brings me to the lace sets I am working on. First of all there are a lot of them; 466 walls and 131 floors. I wanted to give an update to my progress with them. I still have to package the floors, the walls are finally ALL packaged. After everything is in packages then I will make my preview pictures and after that I can start submitting them to TSR - hopefully this week. That is the goal I have set and will be working on. After these sets are done I will definitely be limiting my future sets to more manageable sizes! ;-) And I will be doing something other than lace!! LOL!
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