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mightyfaithgirl's Guestbook

squeakersApr 14, 2009

\:wub\: \:wub\: Hi Jackie, I loved your message in my gb, I love hearing from you, and worry when I don't, though I understand, you have a very full plate, and I don't envy you, but I do wish I could be there to help you out!!!!\:D How was your easter? And how is the weather? Both went good I hope!!!! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope everyday is going good for you, and that your hanging in there!\;\) My hard drive is really peeved at me, you have so many wonderful creations, that I can't decide which I like best, so I get most of it, you have so much talent, I'm constatly amazed at your creativity, and I want to thank you so much for everything that you do!!!!!\:wub\: I had a great easter weekend, my sister and niece were here for the weekend, and they brought their puppies with them, they have miniture dashunds who are 13 weeks old, and they are soooo cute and cuddly!!!!!\:wub\: My hubby and I fell in love with them, and wanted to keep them, but that was a no go!!!!LOL My hubby made a delicious turkey with stuffing, and dinner was fantastic!!!!!\:rah\: I did really good pain wise til last night, it was a rough night, but I*'m ok now!\;\) TC sweetie, and I hope to write you a nice and long email soon!\:D {{{{{{Big hugs}}}}}}\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

ManileeApr 13, 2009

Hi there, I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful houses.  You are a great artist.    Manilee

hiedibear75Apr 12, 2009

No problem. \:cool\:  I hope you and Mia have a wonderufl Easter. \:wub\:

AngelaApr 11, 2009

LOL. me again.. I know about that no social life, i have that too ever since i stopped working to take care of the oldest (she's 2.5 now) That is actually why i started creating in the first place, i began with building and decorating, than i found CC lol, But i got soo tyred of searching on the net to find in a 1000 places what i wanted for my decorating that i started recolouring, but then it soon became meshing (cause i still had to search and search) I found so much joy in sharing my stuffies, and i never would have imagined to become FA here, i always thought, man they are soooo awesome hihihi. Anyways the more the merrier, (meshers) and if you have a question don't hazzitate to ask. I hope to be able to help you then.

AngelaApr 10, 2009

Hi Jackie, Thank you for signing my guestbook, and yep i totaly do have my hands full (lol) as for the sleepingpart, hahaha i rearly sleep.. lol no just kidding, i go to bed after the 5th and last bottle (so that is kindof the 10th for the day..) Which is (for me) in the middle off the night, but luckely i can that sleep for about 6 hours.. anyway, my pc is located in my livingroom so i can actually do a lot off it in the daytime when the little ones are asleep. As for the older one, she can (luckely) play for some time without me.. Pff.. this might bore you though.. lol. Anyways, i truelly like your recolours, also the wicker one, although i might have resized the wickertexture a bit to make it somewhat smaller on the mesh, but this is fine too.Thank you also for liking my meshes enough to recolour them. I love to see recolours. As for the ww3 moments ahead, Thanks for the heads up, i figuered as much with having 3 girls, and the time will come for borrowing makeup and clothes etc. so yeah i guess i do need those "lessons" lol.. Ok gonna stop now before it really becomes borring.. ~Love to see more recolours in the future~  

maxi kingApr 9, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Jacky!Yes it does get real bad at times!\:\(Hey we already got lovely whether over here!It's so nice,I sit here with the open door and hear all the birds singing!So I hope your whether will be just as nice as ours!You do so many lovely stuff and your daughter as well,I have to stop myself from downloading,I got so many already,over 10 GB and it takes about 20 minutes to get in the game!\:\(Well you have a nice timeTC Irmtraut\:wub\:

maxi kingApr 9, 2009

\:wub\:Hi!!Have a lovely easter!\:wub\:

hiedibear75Apr 9, 2009

Hey Jackie. \:wub\:  Kudos for standing up. \:rah\:  If you can't get along then move along. \;\)  Hope you're doing OK. \:cool\:  Take care. \:wub\:

padreApr 8, 2009

Hey there, Jackie. I just wanted to stop by to let you know your positivity isn't going unnoticed nor is it unappreciated. This crumbly community could do with a huge injection of goodness and I thank you for spreading some much needed love! Kind regards and peace-a-plenty! padre\:\)

blondie112304Apr 7, 2009

Hi there. I am sooooo sorry that it took me soooo long to get back to you. I sure hope that you went ahead and used my avatar for your picture? I would love to download the finished product myself!!\:wub\: Take care, Brenda   

mom_of2boyzApr 7, 2009

Hi Jackie. Thanks for the great message you left in my guestbook. \:o \:D  My boys were not planned like that! \:D  And just because there is a 12 year age difference doesn't mean that they don't fight. Although since my oldest moved out and started his own family, they get along a lot better. There were times I wanted to knock their heads together.  \:rolleyes:  (For Real) ! See ya' in the forums. I'm just finishing up TC134 now.

DegeraApr 6, 2009

Hi Jackie!  Thank you so much for leaving me the nicest comment in my guest book today.  I've been admiring your creations and think it's ironic that you've been admiring mine.  Great minds think alike! \:D

squeakersApr 5, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Jackie!!! I am so glad to hear from you, I have been worried sick about you!!!!!\:\( I hope things are going well, and that your husband is feeling better! Your both in my thoughts and prayers everyday, and I've been thinking about you constantly!!!!\:D I've been hanging in there, in pain as usual, hopefully it will ease off when it gets warm out, I still hurt , but at least it's not too bad when it gets warm. I can't wait to hear from you by e-mail, I'll wite you too!\:D TC sweety, have a great day, and talk to you soon!\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\:

Jaws3Apr 5, 2009

\:wub\: Aw, thanks for your sweet comment in my guest book! \:D It's people like you that make all the hours of fustrated hair-pulling worthwile! \;\) It really makes my day to read those kind of comments!

RiotGirlMar 29, 2009

I luvvvvvvvvv your Paramore Bedroom set!!!!

DiamondSimMar 25, 2009

Hi! Thank you for the comments you left on my blog--I think you are right about them needing extra help when the submissions manager is on vacation--they should definitely take your advice! Thank you for the get-well wishes--and from reading your blog sounds like you could do with a few get-well wishes yourself--my hubby had gallbaladder trouble and it will only get worse till they take it out--but then you have a whole NEW set of problems to get used to--but you won't be in any pain from gallbladder attacks anymore! And I am glad you like my avatar; I'm glad it gave you a good rflmao! Thats mainly why I picked it, hopefully to give people a laugh--and for a couple other reasons, too...\:D   Have a lovely day!\:wub\:

Ariana31PlayerMar 24, 2009

Thank you for your lovely comment!! Hve a great day!!\:\)

Ariana31PlayerMar 19, 2009

Hi there\:\)  Just passing by to let u know that I love your work\:wub\:  Thanks so much for sharing\;\)

hiedibear75Mar 14, 2009

Thanks a lot Jakie! \:mad\:  Just when I had gotten RID off a mesh cuz it didn't have hardly any recolors........you went & recolored it. \:rolleyes: \;\)  You know your name is "mudd" with my hard-drive don't ya? \:P LOL  Just kidding of course. \:D  But I am going to have to come back when I have more time and get that bed back + now your recolors. \;\) \:cool\:  C ya around. \:D  Take care. \:wub\:

Midnight222Mar 14, 2009

I'm glad you sorted it out Jackie.  I hope that will be the end of the abuse you have been getting too!  It really peeves me when people don't appreciate all the hard work people put into their creations! best regards, Midnight

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