millyana (3831169)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (4 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

San Miguel
Published Aug 12, 2012
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (271 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Crimson Song
Published Jan 14, 2015
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About Me
I changed my avatar to reflect my latest endeavor, writing children's books. My first book is "Puppy, the Navy Seal Dachshund" which stars my own dogs. My dachshund whose name is Puppy, decides to become a Navy Seal Dog after viewing a TV interview with a Navy Seal dog. The book is available on Amazon. Thanks so much to all who read this!!
Isn't Sims the most stress relieving game ever? Hours slip by while solving the problems of our Sims and we forget all about our own! Building houses for Sims is the most fun for me. I can make my own dream houses into virtual reality. I like to build mostly with base game only so that my houses will be accessible to the whole Sims2 community. When I build with base game only, I sometimes use the cheat "boolprop constrainfloorelevation false" to create half walls or roofs that aren't available without eps so remodling might be more of a challenge. I just wanted to make you aware of that. If you love to move your sims into new surroundings but don't have time for building, let me build for you! Thanks so much for viewing my profile, and a very sincere thanks to my fellow simmers who have bookmarked me! I'm honored.
I'm also known as triciamanly.
Mil gracias a todos los que descargan mis casitas. Es un gran placer construirlas y mas cuando recibo comentarios suyos!