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neinahpets's Guestbook

TiaMirabeauNov 23, 2020

Hello \:\) where can I get the clutter pieces for the Southwind beach set? I look each day to see if you have added them. Everyone loves the set so much in my FB groups!

SpireNov 13, 2020

Hi. Just a simple question and I don't know if you can/want...but, please, could you make a recolor set for Pilar's Manchester Set. I love the set but the objects are limited to an only one swatch and it's a pity! So, thank you in advance if you can help me! ^__^

RetroladyxNov 1, 2020

Beautiful thanks for the downloads !! Retromom \:\)

sparklesapOct 30, 2020

"Hi, Love your work but need more Cadbury purple & emerald green please. Thx & Stay Safe 😷"

neinahpetsAug 15, 2020

Please note: None of my objects that are recolors will work without the original mesh that I put the link in the Creator Notes for have been downloaded and put in your mods folder itself. My creation is not broken, but rather you are missing an important piece for it to work. I hope this helps \:\)

littleplumsim96Aug 15, 2020

thanks for the content but none of your objects work... its missing a footprint for multiple object sets (bedroom stuff). hope the issue can be resolved thanks\;\)

wolflikedogJul 21, 2020

love everything\:\)

AnnalulluJul 17, 2020

I think I just downloaded all your items LOL Love it all!

SillySimsationJun 30, 2020

Thank you for your wonderful cc. And thank you for checking the link to your Albany Floral Dining Decor. Be safe and have fun.\:\)

cbhattachJun 11, 2020

Beautiful creations! \:D

xc0recandeeMay 11, 2020

I love that you are recoloring those dishes. I love the set. Hoping to see more in the future from ya! Stay safe! \:wub\:\:\)

neinahpetsApr 25, 2020

Hi Arielle! I'm actually currently working on new items - I've been taking some time to learn new techniques and unfortunately this COVID-19 situation has brought some difficulties that I've had to address, but you should actually be seeing new work from me quite possibly in the coming week (or this weekend even! I have some ready to go) \:\) Thank you so much for your support!!

Nightingale21Apr 25, 2020

I just want to say that your work rocks! Downloaded so many of them already. It's a bit sad you don't have new ones anymore. I'm still hoping for your future submissions though. Thank you for all of these! Stay safe and keep slaying. \:wub\:

neinahpetsMar 29, 2020

I'm happy to help and thank you for understanding! I'm happy to hear you enjoy my work!

Kelsie66Mar 28, 2020

\:\) Its all good and my fault for not reading the details fully. you do a awesome job , and i really like your work. I will have to go and get the mesh then download yours. Thank you for responding and letting me know why the mesh was missing .

neinahpetsMar 27, 2020

Hi Kelsie66! I'm unable to include the mesh with the recolors because it is against the mesh creator's Terms of Use. Many artists have their work up and on their creations where it states "Recoloring Allowed" it will have if it's only able to be uploaded to TSR and also if we cannot use the mesh. If I violate this, take their mesh and give it to those who download my recolors then multiple things happen: 1. I'm going against the mesh creator's terms, which is stealing and wrong of me to do. 2. I'm violating community guidelines and can have my account suspended and I'd not be able to share my works. 3. The original mesh creator would not get the traffic or exposure for their hard work for their part of the job done. I hope this explains a bit more why it has to be this way. All recolor artists do this, it's not just limited to myself. Thank you for supporting all artists on TSR!

Kelsie66Mar 27, 2020

Im a vip and i use the resource manager downloader , I like a lot of your creations it is just annoying when it says mesh required why cant you include the mesh with the set ?

Ms_OperettaMar 10, 2020

I want to thank for all the hard work you put into making your lovely creations and sharing them with us all here on TSR! I wish I could even begin to try to make my own recolors, etc. P.S. \:wub\:I have almost everything from your catalog downloaded to my game because they are so very beautiful \:wub\:

Olga108Jan 26, 2020

Oh, thank you so much. I don't usually neglect that step. Can't believe I didn't double check. Thanks again for taking the time to raise my awareness. \:\)

Olga108Jan 23, 2020

Hello. I so enjoy all your sets. You are so very talented. I am having an issue with the entire shabby chic set (except for the curtains) and the cielo dining set. The message I get is the "footprint resource is missing". I have all the #4 expansions and stuff packs. Is it possible that updates may have affected these? Do I need to re-download them? Don't know how to proceed, and am disappointed not to access the sets. Other sets of yours work perfectly, luckily. \:\) Thanks for whatever advice you can give me. Again, love your work.

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