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Created for: The Sims 4
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Modern, clean, airy, bright all describe this spacious 3 bedroom home. Enjoy the open concept and outdoor living as you lounge around the pool enjoying the gardens.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1295482
ItemID: 1295482
Filesize: 242 KB
Make sure you have the latest patch installed.
Download the following cc to Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods. Start your game, turn on 'Script Mods' then exit, restart game and place the Lot. (all cc must be installed prior to placing the house).
NOTE: I have the Limited Edition of Sims 4, if you have a different version you will have to set your game as follows to see the house appear in your game : Go in My Library, at the bottom of the left columns check "Advanced", then check "Allow unknown objects" and "Allow custom content".
Also used the career rewards cheat: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement and the move objects cheat: bb.moveobjects on
NOTE: The stones outside have been resized larger (see pictures). Just click on object then Shift and ] at the same time.
Thank you to the following TSR Artists for their cc:
Click on the "download"
download - Attraction chair
download - Attraction sofa 2
download - Evening Falls coffee table
download - Evening Falls big plant
download - Flora Brazier
download - Flora big grass potted
download - Campanelli cushions
download - Sea Foam dresser
download - Zing painting
download - Simplicity painting
download - Acacia media unit
download - Cedar books
download - Altara Shower panel
download - Altara Glass panel
download - Window seamless middle
download - Tile Lux
download - Natural Energy chair
download - Narissa Barstool
download - Outdoor low fence
download - Alaric blanket
download - Full bright lamp mesh
Credits: Thank you TSRAA!!
- Value: 137657
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 3
- Bathrooms: 2
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: 40x30
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.