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stephanie1225Dec 19, 2008

Merry christmas to you too \:D Since your my favorite writer on this website I was wondering if I could ask your advice. I'm writing a series called Crimson Intensity and it's about vampires but I've been having some troubles keeping it pg 13 for this website. Have any of your stories been rejected for that? How do you say what you need to with out geting to.. idk.. graphic? Thanks so much \:D

delilah_rossDec 19, 2008

your most welcome dear. merry christmas and happy new years.\:\)

DOTDec 15, 2008

.:¨:.~Happy Holidays to you and yours! ~.:¨:.~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World!~.:¨:.

slimeDec 7, 2008

Finally got to read your next part of your Medievil story! \:D And I ought to hit you! Why must you leave it at the cliffhanger!? lol! But it was good! And Atra really is a spoiled brat! I finally see it! lol!But really, she needs to work on that! I hope Yarilo doesn't fall! He's like my favorite character! Don't kill him, but if I know you and your niceness you won't do it, lol! \:D

Little Cloud Dec 2, 2008

Hey, I'm Little Cloud \:cool\:, and I have read all of your stories and really like them \:wub\:. But, I have to ask you something \:confused\:. Would you mind terribly if I used your idea of quests and Goddesses and temples? I'm trying to branch out into stories other than my After the War. Anyway, if you could let me know, that would be great \:D

kezsridgNov 16, 2008

Loved the last chapter...I knew that Bain was a no good!

slimeNov 14, 2008

OK I'm going to talk about both chapters! I'm feeling better and I got to read your stories! Atra is just the bossy and spoiled one in the group and she does get whatever she wants! That needs to be changed because she should have talked to the whole group instead of thinking of it herself! Vadamar just needs to realize that real friends actually have a good time with you and laugh and help you! There's no way to seduce someone because that doesn't make them your friend, that makes them your toy for maybe a day! Vlis is the spicy one isn't she? She just couldn't care less can she? lol BUt I like her for some strange reason! It's nice that Dania and Yarilo have their own little family together and they can be together as a little family! I can tell that Murk likes Dania in many ways and I can't wait until they actually show their love you know, kissing and stuff, but Dania looks like the shy one! Yarilo is my favorite character! For some reason I just like him, I don't know why! I always liked the outsiders, like the creatures! No offence to him! (tell him I didn't mean it in the wrong way, lol) Gratisan is just full of himself lol! He's just like Atra I think they'll make a real good crazy couple, lol! But all together the chapters were great and I can't wait until the next one!

muggelx1Nov 11, 2008

i like your last story,very good work\:rah\:

Little Cloud Oct 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!! \:P \;\) \:cool\: \:D \:wub\:

HellfrozeoverOct 31, 2008

Ohnoes! I hope Yarilo not being happy is also short lived and yes, I can tell you're in love with Vadamar\;\) ! I can completely see why and imagine this will lead to more Vadamarness so it's all good. As for stories...well there's good news and bad news. Good news is that I've recovered my files, bad news is that I have that lovely Sims 2 problem where if too much happens, my screen blacks out so I'll be getting a new computer. So close to Christmas as well\:mad\: ...

Little Cloud Oct 31, 2008

Yo, yeah, I didn't have anything else to read, and your stories had been featured quite often, so I thought I should read them :P!!! Yeah, Cid is really funny, however, I really must say that my heart belongs to Cloud. Anyway, can't wait for the next part of MediEvil \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

slimeOct 28, 2008

Hey Tony! I just wanted to tell you that I didn't forget about your story, I was actually going to read it today until a personal family matter happened...... My grandma died at around 1:30 am.......... Just wanted to tell you I didn't forget about your story!

Little Cloud Oct 27, 2008

I just read the first part of your MediEvil stories!!!! I thought they were amazing \:rah\: \:D \:cool\: I can't wait to start the second part. And you did an amazing job with all the characters too \:rah\:!!! My favorite character was Harquay \;\)

stephanie1225Oct 21, 2008

Thanks \:D

Herzen & BlasenOct 17, 2008

you're welcome!\:D \:D \:D

stephanie1225Oct 16, 2008

Hey, I think it would be really awesome of you if you posted Yarilo on here or on Modthesims2. If not I understand, I'm not even sure how you would go about this I just think hes super kool. Have a nice day \:D

EnthroxOct 14, 2008

Yes, I have began to read them, they're so much that I can't catch up! Keep going like this! \:rah\:

MinnieIDOct 4, 2008

that word sounds cool, I just don't know what it means \:D

german84Oct 3, 2008

Haha!! \:D Sure, You're on for your German lessons \;\) Portuguese... I'm not sure, maybe estatica can give you a hand... Y si se trata del español, ¡con todo gusto, Antonio! Actually, I love the way English or Scottish English sounds \:wub\: Good luck!! \;\)

HellfrozeoverOct 3, 2008

Yaaaay vampire groupie! doesn't end like Lestat's groupies did does it? Anyhoo...more of Yarilo. I like him even more every time someone is mean to him....go figure. Also got some bad news you...My PC died and I'm running a clean installation of Windows on my backup harddrive. Chris, Arch, Gill and the main characters are living on a zip drive while I work out what to do with them...Actually started rebuilding the town with the idea to rewrite more in keeping with the book version but I'm not sure...I think a fresh story might be in order first. What do you think? Also, was Swindle recycled as a smaller part(if he was, you'll know which one\;\) ) or am I just hallucinating?

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