Happy October and Halloween
This is my favorite time of year. The new Supernatural EP is so fun. Even more so because as a child one of my grandmothers was into fortunes and seances and stuff like that. So naturally Halloween became my favorite holiday. To celebrate, I have placed some new Halloween themed patterns in my studio on the Sims 3.com webpage. Look for leniece, my other nom de plume. Oh yes, my grandmother spoke french, which most of the grandchildren learned.
On a personal note, recent surgery has allowed me to walk again. Yeah and Hurray. I am now able to get around better and even leave the house for adventures! Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012 am being taken to a wild game dinner. They serve axis, blackbuck, venison (deer), wild boar (hogs), catfish, buffalo, bison, wild birds like squab (look it up, it is very good).
Am so lucky and feel so much better. I have volunteered to do face painting for a charity on Halloween. They do trunk or treat. Place cars in the parking lot and give out goodies from there. There is a trunk decorating contest too. It makes it so much safer for the kids, and adults. This year there is even going to be a petting zoo. Which does not count my doggie, who loves to give kisses and get scratched behind the ears.
Happy Holidays everyone, remember, Don't Worry Be Happy Have Fun
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