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Created for: The Sims 4
Chicken's Foot House is an amazing cottage on a hill surrounded by a lake. A lovely stone path with flowering bushes leads to it. The house is placed on a wide tree trunk. There is a garden under the house with flower beds ready for sowing vegetables. The cottage is one-story. It has a cozy living room with comfortable chairs and a fireplace. The kitchen isn't big, but it has a country atmosphere. There is one bed in the bedroom and a shower in the bathroom. Those who love nature will fall in love with this place. Oh, I almost forgot! There is no electricity on the lot.
Lot: 40x40
Value: 37, 347
It has:
- 1 bedroom
- 1 bathroom
- kitchen with dining area
- livingroom with fireplace
- lake, pond
- lots of plants
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1554858
ItemID: 1554858
Filesize: 255 KB
Used cheats:
- bb.moveobjects on
- bb.showhiddenobjects
- bb.showliveeditobjects
- bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement
My all Packs:
- Get to Work
- Get Together
- City Living
- Cats & Dogs
- Seasons
- Get Famous
- Island Living
- Discover University
- Eco Lifestyle
- Snowy Escape
- Cottage Living
- Outdoor Retreat
- Dine Out
- Vampires
- Parenthood
- Spa Day
- Jungle Adventure
- StrangerVille
- Realm of Magic
- Journey to Batuu
- Dream Home Decorator
- Spooky Stuff
- Movie Hangout Stuff
- Romantic Garden Stuff
- Backyard Stuff
- Vintage Glamour Stuff
- Bowling Night Stuff
- Toddler Stuff
- Laundry Day Stuff
- Perfect Patio Stuff
- Fitness Stuff
- Moschino Stuff
- Tiny Living Stuff
- Nifty Knitting Stuff
- Cool Kitchen Stuff
- Kids Room Stuff
- My First Pet Stuff
- Paranormal Stuff
- Country Kitchen Kit
- Bust The Dust Kit
- Holiday Celebration Stuff
- Download the house
- Unzip files
- Copy all files and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray)
Please, don't reupload my creations and claim as your own.
- Value: 37347
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 2
- Lot Size: Other
- Custom content: No CC used
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