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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a Set with Creations - Click here to show all
They are four romantic dresses, and belong to the game Holiday Celebration, two are in shades of pink and two of the blue ... for those who always feel a little princess!
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1417494
ItemID: 1417494
Filesize: 2 MB
- the hair is from LeahLillith_SerenityHair_001_201704292100536909, the earrings are from Zita1966_yfAcc_EarringsEP02RoughStone_White_201701051335162691, the
choker is by GaiaPuma_yfAcc_NecklaceSP01BibDiamond_SolidLavender_201510162140421040, the shoes are by Jomsims bunny high heels.
- the hair is from Stealthic_Lovesick_201510292037176329, the bracelet is from
s-club_yfAcc_WristLeftBraceletPlastic_spring_201708302221599046, the earrings are from S-Club LL ts4 erring N03.package, the shoes are from Jomsims bunny high heels.
-The hair is from Juice_Juice_Juice_Anto_S4Hair_Aftershock_201511192202453842_201604022030391539_201604042123450923_201604112150112993, the earrings are from sclub wm_yfAcc_EarRoundMedium_Gold_Pearl_201803072337365560, the choker is of
BlueRose-Sims_yfAcc_NecklaceRomantic_blue_201804141654324169, the shoes are from Jomsims bunny high heels.
- The hair is wings_Newsea_Newsea_Newsea_Juice_Juice_Juice_Juice_Anto_S4Hair_Aftershock_201511192202453842_201604022030391539_201604042123450923_201604172007294074_201606012246395835_201606282232155124_201607172248479152_201608071505014551_201705122010201021, the choker is sclub wm_yfAcc_NeckChokerSpikes_red_201708301322284357, earrings are
S-CLUB_S-CLUB_yfAcc_EarringsHoopSmall_silver_201608042220596985_201611062243110523, the shoes are from Jomsims bunny high heels.
- Recoloring Allowed: No
- Creating Tool used: TS4 CAS/Mesh Tools
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.