Stories and news
I've just written my first story :) I'm hoping it'll be approved and up on the storytelling page very soon! The first part follows a young woman called Tania Tiki. She's gorgeous, fun and smart.
She's been in a couple of my recent screenshots so check them out if you like! I'm hoping it'll be a success, I have lots of ideas to use!
I've been experimenting with paintshop pro before submitting screenshots lately. I think it'll take a bit of time until they are completely amazing like some of the shots on here but practice makes perfect!
My new sims project has been Twinbrook. I've evicted all of the families that I don't like much lol and moved in my favourite sims from other towns and that I have made. I like customizing towns like that. I think I just love creating my own sims so much that I want things to be that way! Of course I download lots from here and my items to make my sims more gorgeous and fantastic!
I might try to recommend an artist each week who I really love, who make clothes or items that stand out and look great in the game. This week I think I have to say that:
Pralinesims is going to be my choice, excellent designs, very warming and all the creations look great in the game :)
Pumpkin xx