
326Creations 3,794,655Downloads

rebecah's Guestbook

Mauszwerg1968Dec 19, 2011

long time not here, and now i will thank you so much for all your lovely and wonderfull downloads !!! \:wub\: wish you a wonderful and happy x-mas and good luck für 2012 \:D

DOTDec 17, 2011

~ .: Â :. ~ Wishing Peace And Chocolate For The World ~ .: Â :. ~

ath3lasFeb 6, 2011

My Goodness, it never ceases to amaze me what you create ... they are absolutely brilliant and in a class of their own as are you. Thank you \:wub\:

RonRebel_SimFeb 6, 2011

the Mr. Bearlybutts stuff is awsome! heres an idea! do u remember the inflatable chairs and couches from The Sims House Party? it would be awsome if u made those for The Sims 3

csudibabaJan 23, 2011

I saw the owl on youtube... Really nice! And absolutely keep on creating! \:\)

mstindall27Jan 4, 2011

hi thank u so much for ur creations and allow them to be free but can u please come up with a subway or a deli set for the birds made a great addition to my zoo

flody888Dec 30, 2010

H rebecah! Thank you for creating and sharing your mallards and Canadian geese! \:wub\: They are just so precious! \:wub\: And I love your retro set! I wish I had a set like that for my real life home! (In the pink too!) Hope you had a good Christmas and happy New Year!

ioname2youNov 24, 2010


pierreandreply4Oct 4, 2010

hello rebecah my bff thank you very much for all of the great creations that you make you have made my game better in a way and keep up the good work with all of these great creations

Trooper69Sep 26, 2010

Hi Rebecah, I just want to say thank you for all your wonderful creations.  I'm still play Sims2.  I read your comments about cruel people in the community and I totally sympathize with you.  About two years ago I all but left the community because of all the nonsense.  But I love this game so.   Please don't let these cretins bring you down and know for everyone of them you hear from there are at least a hundred of us that are grateful that you and others like you have created wonderful things for our game.  It truly is what makes this game so interesting to play...*hugz*

dsrhnryAug 13, 2010

your very welcome for the comments, and thank you so much for that special message you wrote to me in my guest book. I will try to never change, been this way for 50 years a little hard to change this old. haha.  hey, you have a wonderful weekend. just make it all about yourself this weekend. enjoy it to the fullest. your fan forever........crissy

dsrhnryAug 11, 2010

i'm so happy to have such talent to chose from here at TSR, i'm the luckiest person alive i feel when i look at the lovely things you have made. your very welcome for the comments, i truely mean every word.

dsrhnryAug 10, 2010

I stopped by to say hello, and to tell you that i've spent time going over all your creations, and you are impressive. thank you so much for sharing all of your time and effort with us to use in our game. thank you \:\)

oldmember_witchmary1Aug 5, 2010

Hey sweetie, just thought Id stop by and say Hi. Huggles Maryanne

madchidAug 2, 2010

Just a question. Would you ever be making a microphone with a stand? Plz reply! Also I don't know thus for sure but i think the new expansion pack "Late Night" might have mics in it. But maybe not. 

MaddisonSims3Aug 2, 2010

I GOT SO EXCITED I WROTE STOP INSTEAD OF STUFF hahahaha ignore any speling errors and stuff ahaha \:D

MaddisonSims3Aug 2, 2010

omgg i luv ur stop. i try to comment as much as possible but never get a reply, im prettyy sure ive signed ur guestbook butt.. ermm yeh, uve never replyed but u reply to other people and not me and i am sad coz im like ur biggest fan. u r the best person on TSR!! i download all ur stuff, u r so awesome OMG I LOVE UR STUFF!!!!!!! thnxx thnxx thnnxxx PLZ REPLY, UR MY IDOL <3 \:\)

madchidJul 18, 2010

Hi I have posted before and i love your new baseball room! \:wub\: But i was wondering would you or do you know someone that would make a microphone in a stand? I really wish they had on of those \:\( Thanks again for all your amazing work!!

shadthepadJul 10, 2010

Hi, just wanted to tell you how much we love your creations! \:\)

oldmember_witchmary1Jun 29, 2010

Hi Rebecah. Just wanted to say how I totally love your work, Keep it up. If it wasnt for all of you I probably wouldnt  play because it just adds the needed dimention.. Huggles

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