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robbyngirl's Guestbook

hiedibear75Apr 1, 2010

I've made some TS2 walls for 3 sets of "MAXIS FULLY TILED" & 2 of those sets you already made floors to match MAXIS' tiled floors & I wanted to let you know that I not only gave you credit for having made floors to go with the Mosaicality walls & the Romantci Bath walls that MAXIS made.  I just took those 2 sets of walls + Tiny Tile Mosaics & made fully tiled versions of them for when people would like the full tile to go around the bath/shower area. \:cool\:

ayyuffMar 17, 2010

Thank you so much for commenting on the 'Ceramic Tile Set' \:\) Enjoy!!

DOTFeb 14, 2010

Happy ~ ♥ ~ Day!

PenelopeTNov 3, 2009

It's always so nice to see a comment on one of my stories from you. \:wub\: I'm happy that you are still enjoying 'The Haunting'. I've tried to keep the creep-o-meter Look for the final part some time next week. Have a great day! ~ Pene

PenelopeTOct 30, 2009

Hiya stranger! How have you been? \:wub\: Thanks so much for checking out my latest attempt at Sim story I've never done a spooky Sim story and wanted to do one for fun. Part 3 should be out next week some time. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! \:\) ~ Pene

MoMamaJun 24, 2009

Thanks for your nice comment on my NK Loop Tile material. Glad you like it! \:D \:D

PenelopeTJun 2, 2009

Hey girl yourself! \:wub\: Thanks a bunch for checking out the final part of 'Lilith's Journey'. So glad you liked it! Thanks for the 5.0 rating too. I hope you have a fantastic day! \:\) ~ Pene

luckyoyoJun 2, 2009

Hi, Thank you for commenting on my screenshot  Goodbye The Sims 2 , You are sooooo lucky!!!!!  :P  I preordered mine too but I won't get it untill the 5th of June  \:\( , I know what you mean about them being ugly I haven't seen 1 nice looking Sim yet but I'm sure someone will make 1 for us to download, I won't be going back to The Sims 2 because  I was like that when I had The Sims 1, I tryed to play them both but I lost interest in The Sims 1 and played The Sims 2 all the time, from what I've seen The Sims 3 looks amazing, sound amazing and I hope will be amazing, I just can't wait!!!  \:wub\: Dee x

PenelopeTJun 1, 2009

Hi Robbyngirl, just wanted to let you know that the finale of 'Lilith's Journey' is now posted. Hope you enjoy it. \:\) Hope you had a nice weekend! \:wub\:  ~ Pene

PenelopeTMay 24, 2009

LOL...burn the house down eh? I think there are quite a few who want to see at least Dirk go away, and take Angela with him. \:\) I never thought about Tosha looking like Kaylynn, but you're right, she does. However, she is one of the NPC students from Sim State University. She had moved into Lilith's and Dirk's dorm, and Dirk took a liking to her, and Lilith took a liking to Frances, and so I ran with it and decided to do a story about Lilith's past after she left home. Look for part 5 in a week or so. Take care. \:wub\: ~ Pene

PenelopeTMay 17, 2009

You always leave the nicest comments on my stories. \:wub\: Thanks again for commenting on part 3 of 'Lilith's Journey'. I will try to get part 4 out some time next week. \:\) Take care. ~ Pene

PenelopeTApr 30, 2009

Aww, thanks for the kind words in my 'GB' regarding my stories. I really appreciate it. Have a great day! \:wub\: \:\)

PenelopeTApr 27, 2009

Oh, and as for what happended to the "horrible parents", I will make mention to that in one of the upcoming parts. Daniel and Mary-Sue have to be the worst Sims in Pleasantiview....with the Caliente sisters close \:\)

PenelopeTApr 27, 2009

Thanks again for leaving such a nice comment on the latest part of 'Lilith's Journey'. So glad you're still enjoying it.  By the way, I really like Frances Worthington, so he will not be treated badly in the end. \:\)

PenelopeTApr 24, 2009

Hello there! I just dropped by to say thanks a bunch for the nice comment on my latest story 'Lilith's Journey'. I too and quite fond of some of the in-game Sims. Especially the Pleasantview families. I will try to get part 2 out some time next week. Have a great weekend! \:\)

FikcijaMar 11, 2009

Thank you for such a long comment on my Pleasantview story! \:\) Pleasantview is my favorite neighborhood, although I'm also playing a lot of Strangetown at the moment. And about the children - I know what you mean! The first few times I played Pleasantview my sims were having lots of children! But now I try to limit that, lol... I'll write part 2 when I'll get tired of Strangetown or I'll be in the mood for writing. \:D

arelenrielMar 7, 2009

Thank you for your comment. I found the hair in my downloads folder it is Peggy Donation Hair 4644. There is also a male version but other than the short Helga pixie cut I am not a fan of F to M conversions for hair.

arelenrielMar 5, 2009

The hair I was using for Cass is a Peggy Donation Hair but I don't remember the name or the number unfortunately. Most of my hairs you will see on my sims are Nouk, HystericalParoxsysm, Raon, or Peggy. I like some of XM Sims hair for women but their male hair is ugly, and the site often has malware attached to the adds which makes downloading tough. By the way I use many of your walls in my houses (Esp the forgotten tiles set) and absolutely adore them.

cdetzlerFeb 21, 2009

I love your painted walls and can't wait to see the next sets \:rah\:

wideopeneyesFeb 11, 2009

Hi! Thank you so much for commenting on the windows. I hope you enjoy them in your game \:\)

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