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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This is a Set with 8 Creations - Click here to show all
now your Gelatteria will be complete!
New decor desserts to make your place more appetizing without having to worry about food's expiration date or if you prefer to sell decor items rather than cook real cakes.
Of course, you can also beautify your kitchen with them too.
These are the files you'll get -
- Chocolate cake
- Fruit cake
- fruit yogurt desserts
- large pie
- pie
- mini pie
- milkshake
- sundae
They all have more than one swatch so, you can have diversity on your goodies too. Hope you appreciate this series. By SIMcredibledesigns.com
available at TheSimsResource
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1668613
ItemID: 1668613
Filesize: 26 MB
For in game preview please watch the embedded video -
youtu.be (slash) zM696yfHPs8
All items are decor only, like all EA clutter.
Your game must be fully patched.
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