runesong54's Blog
Too Sick to Sim?
I have barely done anything for the past couple of days. I woke up Friday morning with a very bad chest cold and have coughed so much that my ribs and back are aching. Finally I got some sleep last night and woke up a little better. I'm anxious to load up my game and get started on a new story. Haven't decided what to call it yet but I have some ideas. And thank you Margo for lighting the candle for me...I'm a firm believer in the power of candles!
Custom Content Poll
I spent some points to add the poll pod to my mini-site. I was wondering how other Simmers felt about Custom Content. I personally KNOW that I have WAY TOO MUCH of it in my game. And a lot of it I've taken one look at and know I'll never use. When Ambitions is released, I plan to "clean up my game". This will take me a few days, at least. I will be dumping everything out and going through my custom content with a fine-toothed comb.
A lot of the CC that I have, I only have because there was ONE item in a set that I wanted. Not all sites are as TSR. Here, you can pick and choose what content you want, piece by piece. Also, there is the TSRAA thing. What a great idea for us builders. We can simply filter what we even want to look at. So after I clean up my game, I intend to go TSRAA all the way!
I you would take the time to vote on my poll, I would certainly use the good information to determine how I build my lots. Thank you all!
More on Belladonna
I worked some more this weekend on "The Fae of Dolphin Cove". Belladonna is difficult to work with sometimes cause I just never seem to know what her next move will be...she is somewhat "unpredictable". I'm getting anxious write the last few chapters. I'm glad that you are enjoying her story, and hope that you will read it to the end.
I've also been busy building. Two more lots will be available for download tomorrow, May 10th. One of them is a remake of "Fae Cottage", since EA came out with more Fairy items, I just had to go back and add them in. I also chose a bigger lot for a garden and added a pond. I wasn't happy with the color of the house, so I re-painted and added a driveway for those non-Fae-types.
The other house is called "Tom's Cabin". It's a large lot with a huge pond, boat dock and very secluded in the woods. I'd like to live there myself! (Then I could just hide away and Sim all of the time!)
I'm going to be emptying out my game and downloads in the next couple of weeks, getting ready for "Ambitions". You know the routine, move this file here and that file here...ugh, I just wish there was an easier way. Takes me weeks to get everything back the way I want it. Happy Simming!
Very Busy
I will be getting the next chapter of "The Fae of Dolphin Cove" ready tomorrow for upload. I need a few more screenies. I meant to have it done by now but I've been very busy working on a house I just uploaded to TSR. "The Old Olson Farm" is on a 60 x 60 lot and I used a lot of custom content. I have spent the past 2 days researching item numbers preparing for the upload. I'm sure glad that one is done! I love to build and share, but looking up item numbers can be frustrating.
The Fae of Dolphin Cove
I've noticed several Simmers who've been following the story of Belladonna. There is plenty more to come...I've got several more chapters to post (one at a time!) and an ending that you won't expect. Thank you for all of the makes the work it takes to do this worth it!